Romans, Part 45 Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Paul concludes the letter to the Romans with commendations, personal greetings, a final warning, and a doxology of praise that will ring true in Heaven from the day it was penned until eternity!
Romans, Part 45
Romans 16:1-27
- This evening we complete the Book of Romans in great Pauline fashion
- Paul has a knack for writing encouragements, and this really sums it up
- It has taken us 45 sermons to get to this point; prayerfully it won’t disappoint
- Stand and read Romans 16:1-27 / Pray
Point 1 – Commendation for Phoebe (1-2)
- Letters of commendation were well known in Paul’s time; form of thanks
- Phoebe is a woman in the church who is a servant of the church and Christ
- Greek word Paul uses here is diaconos – which in literal meaning is servant
-- They were regarded as an element of the "ministry" - minister, servant, and deacon all originated from the same Greek word.
- Deacons primarily served (diakonein) the physical needs of people (so that …)
- Apostles could concentrate on ministering (diakonia) the Word of God
- APP: Deacons serve today so that Pastors can concentrate on study of the Word
- In short, Phoebe is a Deaconess in the church at Cenchreae
-- Phil 4:1-3 also talks about Euodia and Syntyche, also Deaconess’s in the church
- Phoebe was most likely the carrier of this letter to the church in Rome
- She was considered a faithful helper to Paul and in this he’s taking care of her
- He wanted church to welcome her there; and assist her as they were able
-- This is another example of comfort and lifting one another up in the church
- TRANS: Everyone likes to receive comfort and greetings from friends
Point 2 – Personal Greetings (3-16, 21-23)
- 26 people are named; nowhere else does he mention so many in his letters
- Paul reveals his knowledge of them (because they are friends)
-- The implication is that there are people Paul knew who moved to Rome
-- After they were converted, they went to be a part of the culture there
- Paul also sends greetings to those believers in Rome from his companions
- Most likely, these are people from the church in Corinth
- Timothy is mentioned specifically and we know that he was a good friend
-- Friends in the ministry are important to Paul
-- Just as they should be important to us as well; confidants are needed
- TRANS: But sometimes, we need to be careful of those who seek to tear apart
Point 3 – Warning Against those who Cause Dissention (17-20)
- In every church, there are those who seek to cause dissention and problems
-- It is inevitable, and often times very difficult to even identify who they are
-- Many of these are easy to spot though; rebellious, self-serving, smooth talking
-- APP: They seek to divide and conquer; and Paul warns strongly against them
- Those that act like this are to be avoided; and in some cases; cast out
- Believers would do good to remember that Satan will be defeated
- V20 tells us very clearly that Satan would be crushed under our feet
- But, because of sin there will ALWAYS be this division of man and Satan
-- Gen 3:15, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”
- TRANS: Finally, we come to the conclusion of this tremendous letter!
Conclusion – Doxology (25-27)
- In the concluding verses, Paul reminds the readers of all they’ve heard
1. God is the one who is able to establish and strengthen the believer
2. The Gospel is not taught by men; it was received by direct revelation from Jesus
3. The Gospel center in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ
4. The Gospel is universal in its purpose; it brings redemption to ALL
- In the future, redemption will be completed for all of mankind
- Praise will ring out through all of heaven because of who God is
- And He will be forever praised – this is the direction a believer’s life should take