
Summary: The question today is “Who is our role model?”

Sports figures, rock and roll stars, movie stars are all some of the most popular. If you could pick any role model, who would you pick? First of all, we must find out what we desire most. In Psalm 78:7-8, we are told to set our hope in God. What if I was given the job of influencing others on picking good role models, what should I do?

I want us to take a look at four areas that ought to be steadfast, “not given to change” in our life that leads to influences on role models.

I. Steadfastness of Character

1. Who you are?

2. We need to ask, “what are the outstanding characteristics of a God honoring Christian character?”

3. Paul’s answer is found in Philippians 2:15

4. When you think of character, what do you think of?

a. Conduct

b. It reflects it.

5. What is character? The combination of qualities or traits that distinguishes an individual.

a. Moral force

b. Integrity

6. I can name a few men who I admired and admire their, steadfastness of character.

a. Paul Harvey

b. Tom Landry

c. Howard Ingram

d. Jerry Falwell

e. Gene Woods

7. Self-mastery. The foundation of a great character is self-mastery

8. Self-mastery is the means whereby we apply knowledge of basic principles to overcome weakness, to devote ourselves to duty and reach our objectives. Matthew 5:48

9. Another step of steadfastness in character is chastity.

10. Chastity means sexual purity.

11. The bible speaks out strong against any sexual activity outside of marriage.

12. 1 Corinthians 6:9

13. Another mark of steadfastness character is honesty.

a. Opposite is dishonesty = stealing, lying, cheating.

b. In a milder sense, false reason for their actions, blame others for their own mistakes and weaknesses.

14. Another mark of a steadfast character is dependability.

a. Dependability means reliability.

b. It means do the thing you are obligated to do, at the time it needs to be done, whether you want to do it or not.

c. Dependability means you keep your word.

d. There are two general areas of a man’s life wherein he must be dependable.

15. Another step is fairness and justice.

a. It simply means to render that which is due.

b. Whether it be reward or punishment and do so with impartial or unbiased judgment.

16. Still another mark of steadfast in character is moral courage.

a. Moral courage is the courage to do that which is morally right.

b. Follow correct principle at the risk of consequences.

17. What do we desire in a role model? Steadfastness in Character.

II. Steadfastness in Conduct

1. Keep in mind I said, “Character regulates conduct.”

2. Our activity in this life ought to be to please God.

3. Hebrews 11:5, “Enoch had this testimony that he pleased God.”

4. 2 Kings 4:8-9; Elisha was noted as a “holy” man by his activity.

5. I believe the greatest contribution we can make to the cause of Christ is in the impact of our unconscious influence.

6. Matthew 5:14; ye are the light of the world. What does that mean?

a. It means people are to see God by our life.

b. In everyday words “his reputation is in our hands.” 2 Corinthians 5:20

c. Romans 14:7; “none of us liveth to himself.”

d. It means that our conduct is touching others at a thousand points.

III. Steadfastness in Conviction

1. What is conviction?

a. It means the state of being convinced.

b. Romans 14:5

2. Now what are some of the fundamental convictions we need?

a. Salvation by grace.

b. God still judges sin.

c. God’s local church.

3. God has always judged sins.

a. Ask Noah

b. Ask Lot

c. Ask David

d. Ask Israel

e. Ask our Lord Jesus

4. Galatians 6:7-8; is still in effect.

5. One Last thought.

IV. Steadfastness in Conflict

1. What happens when the going got tough?

2. Do outward circumstances dictate right and wrong?

3. God has always look for men to stand for Him in the day of conflict.

4. Deuteronomy 20:1-8

5. Ephesians 6:10-17

6. 2 Timothy 4:7

7. Luke 14:26-34

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