
Rising Above Life's Challenges

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
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An inspiring message about rising above the challenges brought about by life's unpredictable changes, such as death and shifts in leadership.


Today, we will explore a powerful message about overcoming uncontrollable circumstances brought about by changes due to death and leadership. The story revolves around David and Mephibosheth, the grandson of Saul and son of Jonathan. It is a tale of distress caused by change, an invitation accepted, and a display of friendship, promises, grace, love, compassion, forgiveness, and hope.

David and Jonathan's Covenant

David, known for his various exploits, such as slaying the giant Goliath and his affair with Bathsheba, is often remembered for his heart after God. He relocated the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem, had multiple wives, and faced family issues like incest among his children. However, it is his friendship with Jonathan that brings us to this story today.

David and Jonathan shared a deep bond and made a covenant of friendship, promising to care for each other's families if one of them died. When Jonathan and Saul died in battle, Mephibosheth, only five years old at the time, was left in a state of chaos. As a member of the royal line, he lived in fear and exile from King David. He was subject to persecution and slander but was ultimately rescued due to a promise made by his father.

Mephibosheth's Desolate State

Mephibosheth's life would still be in danger if David kept promises the way we often do today. In our relationships, we struggle to keep our promises even when faced with challenges or the opinions of others. However, David actively sought out Jonathan's descendants and showed them kindness. He discovered that Mephibosheth was alive but lame.

David's search led him to Lodebar, a desolate city characterized by barrenness and waste lands. Mephibosheth had gone from living in the palace to hiding out with a family friend. He went from being a prince to a servant, losing his rank, prestige, respectability, reputation, and self-worth. In Lodebar, Mephibosheth experienced poverty and fear.

David's Kindness and Restoration

But David did not forget his promise. He invited Mephibosheth to the palace, where the young man fell on his face in submission. Feeling unworthy, he referred to himself as a "dead dog," expressing his low self-esteem. However, David quickly reassured him, offering forgiveness and inviting him to dine at the king's table for the rest of his life. Mephibosheth was accepted and adopted into the royal family, with David restoring all that had been taken from him.

The Greater Message of Salvation

This story of David and Mephibosheth goes beyond their personal relationship. It serves as a representation of the salvation available to us through Christ Jesus. Like David, Jesus searches for us until He finds us. Once found, Jesus offers redemption and restoration. We, too, are heirs to our heavenly Father's kingdom and can dine at His table for eternity.

God's love, like David's, is exemplary. It comes from a merciful heart and blesses us even when we are undeserving. God continues to show us kindness, mercy, forgiveness, and love. He keeps on blessing us, keeping us, striving with us, forgiving us, and loving us. God reaches out to us in our fallen state and lifts us up through His grace.

We may feel crippled by despair, death of loved ones, disease, past mistakes, or unfulfilled desires. We may be locked in addiction or burdened by curses and pride. However, God invites us to come out of our desolate state. We don't belong in a place of defeat and death. We belong in the palace of God's grace and mercy.

We can come out of our desolate state because God has something better for us. He has prepared a way of escape through repentance. We don't have to die in sin; we can find victory in Jesus. Satan may try to convince us that we won't make it outside of our desolation, but we can overcome through God's strength.

God offers us a place in His palace, where we can experience restoration and abundance. Let us embrace His invitation and walk in repentance, leaving behind our past and stepping into a new life with Him.

May this story of kindness and restoration inspire us to trust in God's love and seek His grace in our lives.


In conclusion, the story of David and Mephibosheth teaches us about the power of friendship, promises, grace, love, compassion, forgiveness, and hope. It reminds us of God's unwavering love for us and His desire to restore us from our desolate state. Let us accept His invitation and experience the abundant life He has prepared for us.

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