
Rise and Shine: Embrace the Light

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Though the world may be shrouded in darkness, you don't have to be. Rise up, pray, study the Word, and engage in true fellowship with the Light. As you do, you'll find yourself covered in God's sunrise glory.


The book of Isaiah holds great significance in the Old Testament, as it contains prophecies and revelations about Jesus Christ long before His arrival on earth. In Isaiah 60:1-2, the prophet Isaiah receives a revelation from God, where he sees darkness covering the earth and its people. This darkness is not physical, but rather spiritual in nature. However, amidst this darkness, Isaiah witnesses a light and glory that come to separate certain individuals from the darkness. This light and glory represent Jesus Christ, who is the true Light shining in the midst of spiritual darkness (John 12:46). Today, may the light and glory of Christ fill our lives, dispelling all forms of darkness.

Darkness Comes in Different Levels and Degrees

Just as darkness varies in intensity throughout a day, spiritual darkness also exists in different levels or degrees. The Bible refers to outer darkness as the place where those unfit for God's kingdom are cast (Matthew 8:12, Matthew 22:13, Matthew 25:30). Additionally, 2 Peter 2:17 mentions the blackest darkness reserved for false teachers and prophets. Various biblical passages describe a day of total darkness as a sign preceding the Lord's return (Joel 2:28-31, Acts 2:20). Isaiah 60:2 speaks of a thick darkness that can be felt, while Colossians 1:13 refers to the domain of darkness. In Matthew 4:16, Jesus brings deliverance to people living in different levels of darkness. Today, may the light of Christ saturate our lives, dispelling all forms and traces of darkness.

Light Dispels Darkness

When darkness surrounds us, only light can eliminate or drive it away. Just as the darkness of night disappears when morning light breaks forth, spiritual darkness is dispelled by the light of Christ (John 1:5, John 1:9, John 8:12). Jesus Himself declared that He came into the world as a light, so that those who believe in Him would not remain in darkness (John 12:46). Today, as we pray, study the Word, and fellowship with the Light, God's glorious light will cover us.

Four Types of Spiritual Darkness

Let us now explore the four types of spiritual darkness mentioned in Isaiah's prophecy.

1. Spiritual Blindness

Spiritual blindness refers to the inability to see what God reveals, even though our physical eyes may function properly (Isaiah 43:8). It is a condition where our spiritual eyes are closed to God's truth and His presence. However, when we surrender our lives to Jesus and accept Him as Lord, our spiritual eyes are opened to see the light and glory of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:4). May the light of Christ shine upon the eyes of our hearts, enabling us to see Him clearly and recognize His voice.

2. Pit of Darkness

The pit of darkness represents a time of trial and affliction in our lives. Just as Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers, this darkness seeks to hinder God's plan for our lives. However, we must not remain silent or give up in the pit. Instead, we should cry out to God, as Daniel and Jeremiah did when they found themselves in pits (Daniel 10:12-14, Lamentations 3:55-57). God hears our pleas and delivers us from the pit of darkness, bringing us into His marvelous light.

3. Veil or Covering of Darkness

Certain powers and forces of darkness seek to hide things and people under a veil or covering of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). They aim to conceal God's blessings, opportunities, and even potential spouses from our sight. However, God promises to destroy this shroud of darkness and make every good thing He has placed within us visible (Isaiah 25:7-8, Isaiah 60:15). Today, every veil and covering of darkness will be destroyed by the light of God, revealing His blessings in our lives.

4. Fruitless Deeds of Darkness

Fruitless deeds of darkness encompass all activities that God does not sanction or participate in (Ephesians 5:11). These deeds primarily refer to sin, which is unprofitable and leads to guilt, condemnation, and a barrier in our relationship with God. Instead of indulging in sin, we should focus on fellowship with God, which fills us with His light and empowers us to overcome darkness. Let us not waste our time and potential on fruitless deeds but embrace the light of Christ.

Arise and Shine: Get Up and Embrace the Light

In John 5:1-9, Jesus encounters a man who had been paralyzed for thirty-eight years. Jesus asks him if he wants to get well because it seemed the man had grown accustomed to his condition. Jesus' response implies that if we truly desire to leave the darkness behind, we must take action. We must arise, get up, and step into the light. Just as we cannot feel the warmth of the sun by staying in a dark room, we must actively seek fellowship with God and immerse ourselves in His light.


Though darkness may cover the earth, we do not have to remain wrapped in its grip. By getting up, praying, studying the Word, and entering into true fellowship with the Light, we invite God's sunrise glory to envelop us. Let us embrace the light of Christ, allowing it to dispel every form of darkness in our lives, families, churches, and nations. May we arise and shine, becoming beacons of God's light in a dark world.

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