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Ride high

Isaiah 58:14”The Lord will make you ride on the heights of the earth….”

Cycling, driving or any kind of sports on a hilly slope is thrilling by itself, to stand on a mountain and watch the mountain on the other side is an experience beyond words can express. Spellbound! As a small girl when I used to go to the hilly mountainside of Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu district for my summer holidays, I still vividly remember how I was awestruck by the sheer beauty of the heights. However, the above promise of God gives me even more great joy and gladness that He would make me ride on the heights of the earth. Hallelujah!

Pastor Yesanna of Guntur, from the age of 10 to 17, was on the roads, living along with pigs and dogs on the road, eating and sleeping with them. Because of curses related to idol worship, he had been possessed by demons and therefore lived homeless on the streets, even though he had a house and family in that same town. One day light from heaven delivered him from demons and he became normal, thereafter , he surrendered his life to serve God. Ps Yesanna after a humble beginning in his life, later built a huge, palatial church for God. One day while he was travelling in an international flight to a foreign country, while the food was served to him, he started to cry inconsolably, a businessman who sat close to him was concerned and asked if he could help him. Ps. Yesanna then shared his testimony of how God picked him from the garbage and now made him ride on the heights of the earth. Glory to Jesus!

Hannah filled with gratitude for God sang a prophetic song after she dedicated her beloved son Samuel to God, born after lot of weeping and prayer. The words are profound, hear it: 1 Samuel 2:8”He raises the poor from the dust, He lifts the needy from the ash heap To make them sit with nobles, And inherit a seat of honor; For the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, And He set the world on them.” Wow, the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s!


....he shall cause Israel to inherit it !

Deuteronomy 1:38” Joshua the son of Nun, who stands before you, he shall go in

there. Encourage him, for he shall cause Israel to inherit it. “

I sat in my prayer room and wept bitterly one day; it was like I could not take a step

further; this was after many years of walking out of the multinational bank to serve the

Lord. I could see many people moving ahead for God, but here, I was struggling every

month for expenses and for the release of my devotional book, with no real break

through in my ministry. The bundles of unsold devotional books, stacked in the corner of

our office room, broke my heart to million pieces.

Though I had read the above scripture many, many times during my walk with God, yet

that particular day, when I sat there in my prayer closet with tears rolling down my cheek

and looked up at heaven, the above words “he shall cause Israel to inherit it” captivated

me and brought hope in my heart. Do you know, “God sees us in ways that nobody else

sees us?” He does not see us as we are, but as what we shall be in future. I’m bouncing

with excitement as I write this? Are you?

I pray that as people read this book, God takes these words into the lives of many

people and make them live a powerful life for God. In the above scripture God says

“Joshua shall cause Israel to inherit it.” I just want to be able to put all that is bubbling in

my heart into words. God help me! God hand-picks one man Joshua and said that he

will ‘cause’ Israel to inherit the promised land. That’s something! Moses brought the

Israelites out from Egyptian bondage but Joshua took them to the promised land and

gave them the inheritance. He finished the job with perfection! We need Joshuas’ today,

who would help people inherit their blessings! Friend, it is not by power nor by might but

by the power of the Holy Spirit! Someone shout Hallelujah!

Friend, there comes a glorious period in one’s life, when he just walks and the flower

blooms and he just touches some thing and that prospers. The book of Joshua opens

with God’s command to Joshua, “Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan..!” Now, this

was no easy task. But I tell you, God gives the impossible task to those who have the

grit and determination to do it. Any new venture gets you first numbed with terror but

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