Contributed by Ronnie Thrower on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: David was a man who walked with God for many, many ,many years. David was a man who had been in trouble many different times. And David when he was in trouble, When he was at a spiritual low, Looked up and prayed and ask God to revive him. And every tim
Psalm 138:7 Matt. 18:19 Pro. 13:12
David was a man who walked with God for many, many ,many years. David was a man who had been in trouble many different times. And David when he was in trouble, When he was at a spiritual low, Looked up and prayed and ask God to revive him.
And every time David ask God to revive him. "God did it!"
Now I know full well that the Bible Says "that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." And if I need Faith in any issue of my life, and if I am praying for something and I can’t seem to get the faith to pray through in the matter, I am to go and get my bible and study it and I will get the faith from that!
Because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
But wait a minute,
If we’re very honest, and we would Just face the truth.
“We can get faith out of Just seeing God work!”
Practical Christian experience tells me, when I pray and God answers that prayer, that should encourage me to pray on.
When I ask God for something great and God gives me something great. Then the next time I need something great I am encouraged to pray on.
When I ask God on Monday and God gives on Tues. When I ask on Thur. and God don’t give on Friday Because I’ve seen God give before I pray on.
YES, Faith comes by hearing, but it also comes out of daily living and seeing God answer and move and work.
David in a bad situation said, "Lord revive me, Lord help me And God came on the scene!
God gave David strength to Kill the bear, Kill the giant
David relied on God time after time after time.
Now folks let’s be honest most of you that I am preaching to have never seen a real revival. You’ve seen some good meetings and people were saved, but you have not seen real revival.
When I think of the various works of some men in the past. Wesley, Moody, Tarry, Spurgen And the great meetings in days gone by Billy Sunday emptied the Jails in six weeks of meetings. Bootleggers would have to close shop. Why old Mordicah Hamm Had a bounty put on him by the bootleggers.
When they went into town and preach things would happen.
And folk’s today we Just talk about revival. We hold meetings, but the honest truth of the matter is, we know Biblically that revival can come,
But what we need is to experience it!
Now let us look at another one of those verses: Matt. 18:19
Jesus himself said this. Now he either told the truth or he lied and I think everyone hear would agree he told the truth.
Jesus said to us that are saved.
If any two of you, shall agree down here on this earth, on anything
If you will Just agree on it, and pray and ask me for it my father which is in heaven will give it to you.
Now folks that’s a heavy verse. That’s saying a lot.
That’s saying that if me and Bro ________ can kneel and come to perfect agreement on what we want in this meeting.
That God is obligated himself to give us what we have ask for I mean is this verse true or not?
Now we have to pray in the will of God, but we know that God’s will for his people is revival.
Now this is one old fashion preacher that believes God in heaven literally wants to send revival to the churches in America.
I don’t believe revival was just for one age.
I believe revival is for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ and I believe it is to be until he comes again.
We’ve been hoping for it and hoping for it until we have become sick of the matter.
And here are some reasons why I believe we don’t have the foggiest Idea what we are praying for.
When we say revival we come up with a variety of answers as to what it is. Such as Singing, or we confuse entertainment with edification a sweaty preacher (we confuse Perspiration with inspiration). And everybody has his or her own definition
But our problem is we have never gotten in perfect agreement with God on this matter.
What is Revival
I have five or Six thing I wont to give you today.
Now let’s be honest, and let’s not beet around the bush
There is no reason to hide behind religion, let’s Just come out into the light and face the thing Peter said this thing about Christ was not done in a corner, so let’s get out of the corner and face it in the light.