Revelation Studies Series
Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Church at Sardis
Rev. 3:1-6Church at Sardis
3:1SardisIt was a dying church. It was a capital of Lydia. 50 miles from Smyrna, fertile valley, river Pactolus flows out of munt Tmolus. Extensive fruit orchards, textile industry, jewelry factories, gold mined river sands. The world’s first coins were minted.
The king Croesus was rich king in 6th c B.C. therefore it was said that “as rich as Croesus”. Temples were twin sisters(Cybele) of Apollo and the Temple of Artemis. 1st c A.D Sardis became a Christian City. Many temples were turned into church. Idols were removed and the Cross was erected. By 4th c AD the temple-church became not in use.
3:1 Seven Spirits:
The perfect Spirit of God. HS gives varieties of talents and gifts. HS dwells in believers without measure.
3:1Reputation and Reality: Reputation of being alive but in reality dead.
Sardis did not have persecution but prosperity. No false doctrines but any sound teaching to live Holy life. Everything was quiet alright and enormous wealth and enjoyment. Nominalism became the Spirituality. Sardis was Known as Prayer Warrior, known as Evangelicals, known as mission minded, known as spiritual but dead. Works are hollow and empty. Programs are there but not personnel.
No separation from non-Christians. All were equal in everything including the moral values. No persecution and no life in the Church.
3:2a Wake up and strengthen the remains:Wake up = pray. Keep watch (Mt 25:13). Servantswatching for master (Lk. 12:37). Children of light will not sleep, be self-controlled and be alert (I Thess. 5:5-6). Stay awake and keep cloths with you ( Rev. 16:15). Watch and pray (Mt 26:41). Be careful not to fall (I Cor. 10:12). Be alert (I Pet. 5:8).
Sleep brings weeds in wheat (Mt. 13:25). If Pastor sleeps Satan will cause unfaithfulness. Israel’s watchmen love to sleep (Is.56:10). Watch, pray and careful, he should not find you sleeping (Mk 13:35-36).
Illustration: Strengthen your talents- Sing, preach, disciple, wins souls, preach the Gospel.
3:2b Incomplete Deeds: There was worship; collections, programs and many events in church life were going on as usual. But all these deeds are in complete.
Half-heartedness Jehu was not careful to keep the law with all his heart (II Ki 10:31). Amaziah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. But not wholeheartedly II Chr 25:2.
No perfection, no grace upon it.
Tekel= you have been weighed and found wanting (Da 5:27).The divine balance (Honest scales) are after our integrity, our eyes, our steps and our thoughts (Job 31:6), He weighs our spirit (Pr. 16:2).
Some were about to die – no life in it, no spirituality
3:3 Remember what you have received and heard:
Remember the privileges, blessings, wealth, position and your possession.
Remember your day of Salvation, Baptism, Confirmation, day of surrender.
3:4 Few people not soiled their cloths:
Cloth refers to holiness, praise and worship.
Clean hands Ps 24:4, Pure in heart will see God. Mt 5:8. Good Conscience and sincere faith (I Tim. 1:5). Keep yourself pure (I Tim 5:22). Church to be blameless, radiant, without stain or wrinkle (Eph. 5:27).
Zech 3:3-5 says remove the spoiled cloths and give them new cloths. Joseph had colorful richly ornamental cloak (Gen. 37: 3). Little rope of Hannah to Samuel(I Sam 2:19).The lost son had torn cloths. Father gave him costly Dress (Lk.15:22). Jesus Says: “Give them cloths” (Mt 25: 38).
God loves our dress and cultural values. He made colorful and attractive dresses for the trees, birds, fishes and plants. God clothes them all more than the kings and princes.(Mt 6:28-30).
3:5 Name in Book of life:
God has many books in front of Him, Book of remembrances (Mal 3:16), Book of Formation (Ps. 139:16), Books of Deeds (Rev. 20:12),Book of the Lord, Book of Life (Rev. 21:27).
Book of Life and my name:Personal Testimony in Dec 1994. (Lk. 10:20, Moses said please strike out my name (Ex 32:32).
3:5Overcomers will have white robe
Walking is very familiar in these days everywhere we see people walk in Parks, beaches and roads.
Noah Walked with God (Gen.6:9), Enoch walked with God (Gen. 5:22, 24), Emmaus Cleopas walked with God (Lk. 24:18). Paul walked with God.
They will walk with Jesus.He will lead them (Rev. 7:17). They will get new body and new dress after resurrection or in death.
3:6 Who has an ear let him ea