
Summary: Study of the Book of Revelation

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Revelation, Part 33

Revelation 17:5-11


Last week we began to outline the woman who sits on the beast, and we discussed her role and importance in John’s vision.

This week is a teaching lesson vice a preaching lesson.

It is important to understand how the religious system will be setup in the coming time so that today we can watch for signs of it forming, and perhaps have enough wisdom to help educate others to avoid it.


Point 1 – The Name of the Woman (v5-6)

The true identity of the woman is written on her head for the entire world to see and understand what she is and what does for a living.

The religious system was set in motion in Babylon and has continued to this very day in one form or another throughout the world.

After tower of Babel, when man tried to build a tower out of rebellion, and the Lord scattered humanity by families, through the earth. These tribes took with them, the religious system established in Babylon. The various religions of the earth have similarities because they have a similar origin, Babylon.

As mentioned last week, this woman is being represented as the entire religious system which has sought out to destroy those who are hunting down and making martyrs out of God’s servants today.

It is imperative that the church understand that this woman represents all that is corrupt about this one world religion. The world has believed her lies, and now we see the results of falling for beauty and lies rather than the worship of Jesus Christ.

The two categories of saints are: those killed before Jesus, and the martyrs of Jesus, those killed for their witness of Messiah. Both groups were/are killed by this satanic religion that operates in opposition to God’s word.

John was amazed because up until now, he had not really put together that this woman had been working on destroying what belonged to God since the Garden of Eden – he now understood how much destruction this woman had caused.

Point 2 – The Origin of the Woman (v7-8)

It’s almost as if the angel is asking John why he is so impressed with this woman.

Many times, we are impressed with the works of this world as well. Anything that removes our attention from the work of the Lord is something that Satan can use to distract us.

John is marveling at the woman and the angel tells him not to marvel – that it is no big deal and that honestly, he should not be impressed with her (expound).

The entire world will be unified under Satan’s power as we know, and in just a verse or so we will get the understanding of these 10 horns and heads in just a moment.

The inhabitants of the Earth will marvel at the beast – they will stand in awe of the anti-Christ and be amazed at everything he does in the name of “god”.

Anyone who makes the conscious decision to not follow Jesus will belong to Satan and eternally shall be separated from God. Interestingly enough, the Book of Life is mentioned seven times in Revelation – again reflecting God’s number of perfection.

Rev 20:15 – Anyone whose name is not found written …

Point 3 - The seven heads (v9-11)

Those who have wisdom on a spiritual level must understand this.

I believe that John is not talking to the average Sunday-only Christian, but to those who would seek after God’s Word to understand and to be changed, and these few verses apply directly to those who would seek to know more than just the surface.

If you are to understand this enough to apply these words, then being a casual Christian is not going to cut it. We have to study and learn – in order to teach others.

In 3 of the 4 descriptions of the Beast we are shown a beast with seven heads.

In 4 of the 4 descriptions there are 10 horns. Here the angel is about to describe the meaning of the 7 heads. The seven heads mean two things.

First the seven heads represent 7 mountains.

A mountain is symbolic with a seat of power. In Daniel 2:35 the rock became a mountain which filled the earth. This refers to the kingdom of the Messiah.

We are told the woman sits on these 7 mountains, meaning she dominates 7 kingdoms.

Second, the seven heads represent seven kings. We know from the context of Daniel 7:17 that there are 4 kingdoms from Daniel’s time till then end of days.

Dan 7:16-17 says, “I came near to one of those who stood by, and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me and made known to me the interpretation of these things: ‘Those great beasts, which are four, are four kings which arise out of the earth.

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