Revealed Truth Of God Series
Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Apostle Paul spoke under the anointing power of th eHoly Spirit and not limited to just his own abilities.
Revealed Truth of God
1 Corinthians 2:6-16
This morning we are going to continue to be in the series “lessons learned from the Apostle Paul”
Today looking in the book of 1 Corinthians stuck between chapter one- a chapter describing the power and wisdom of God and chapter 3 on how much Christians really need to grow up and be mature is a message that believers really have no idea how much God loves you and have no idea on the extreme measure that God goes too to show us.
Let me set this up- 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Paul was not the most eloquent speaker.
He did not claim to be the sharpest tool in the shed of God’s people.
He says the only thing he knew for sure and he bet his life on it is Christ crucified and what that means to them and to us today.
(3) “I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling, my message and my preaching was not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on man’s wisdom, but on God’s power.”
I believe that will preach!
Paul is telling us the people of God that what he does and what he says is a God thing! Not a man thing!
Paul was determined to make Christ the sole subject of his teaching and preaching.
There were counterfeits, there were false teachers, people who would pull God’s people away from the truth, that sounds a lot like today doesn’t it?
There is no provision in the word of God for a preacher to come to the pulpit of God unprepared.
Come with an excuse that he/she is trusting in the Spirit of God to lead them.
Be prepared and not only let the Spirit lead you but also have the option to change it if He desires.
Nothing is more distracting or discouraging to hear a message in a bottle or a message that says I am not prepared.
If it is a God thing, then make sure God is in it. Make sure you have talked to Him ahead of time.
We are not all called to be preachers…. But we are all called to be messengers.
We are not all called to be teachers….but we are all called to be disciples or learners of Jesus.
We are called to be mature believers who everyday grow in their love for God.
Our text this morning is going to show us how to be able to do that.
1 Corinthians 2:6-2:16
The Bible is a book. But it is a book like no other.
What book has over 40 authors, tentmakers, physicians, priests, kings, and shepherds.
Taking 1500 years to write.
How hard would it be to understand a complicated book like that?
Thank God we are not doing that alone.
Jesus promises “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth.
He the Holy Spirit of God will guide you into all truth. The Holy Spirit promises to guide believers as they read the word to illuminate their minds, reveal truth, and bring understanding.
Let’s dig into this
Each one of us is called to be mature Christians, called to grow every day in our love for God.
How do we do that? By allowing the Holy Spirit of God to guide us to truth, illuminating God’s word and bringing understanding.
That task is bigger than we are- that is why we need God’s help.
The word here tells us that it is found not in our wisdom but from the revealed Word.
At one time it was God’s secret wisdom- but when Christ came, the crucified risen Christ, the redeemer and savior of mankind, the wisdom of God was revealed through Christ to mankind.
(10) “But God has revealed it to us by His Spirit”-who’s us? His disciples- you and I.
I. God reveals Himself so we can understand how much He loves us.
In fact, he repeats and Old Testament verse here-
No eye has seen,
No ear has heard
No mind can conceive
What God has prepared for those that love Him.
We have no idea how much God loves us;
Don’t let this world tear you down
Don’t let circumstances dictate how you will respond to God.
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can conceive the greatness and love of God.
The world does not understand it.
They cannot see it.
They have not experienced it.
It is foolishness to them.
It don’t sense to them.
But it does not stop it from being the truth of God.
Paul mentions 3 types of people- wise, powerful, wealthy.
The world says go after these people.