Resurrection Blessings
Contributed by Victor Nazareth on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The resurrection of Jesus is the grand finale of his life and sufferings. From this one event blessings upon blessings flow into our lives. Peter tells us of 7 blessings that come through the resurrection.
The resurrection of Jesus is the grand finale of his life and sufferings. From this one event blessings upon blessings flow into our lives. Peter tells us of 7 blessings that come through the resurrection:
I New Birth
i) Without resurrection no new birth: If Christ had died for our sins but had not resurrected, we would have forgiveness of sin but no new birth. It would be like having a baby in the womb but no birth, forgiveness without justification, canceling of sin without the power to live a new life, Passover without coming into the Promised Land. The resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith. 1Co 15:14 And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.
ii) New birth means: 2Co 5:17 a brand new creation, old has gone the new has come. Unless you are born again you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
II Living Hope
i) Because He lives, I too will live: Our hope is not in a dead Saviour but a living one. Hence our hope is alive. It is not pretension, speculation or sentiment.
ii) Hope of seeing Jesus: A hope that we will see Him, be like Him and receive all our inheritance in Him.
III Sure Inheritance
i) We have an inheritance in heaven: Jesus is the guarantor of this inheritance. He has given us the deposit of His Holy Spirit assuring us of the full inheritance that we have in Him. Joh 14:1-3 he is preparing a place for us.
ii) Inheritance does not perish spoil or fade: We need to store up our treasures there where moth/rust/thieves cannot get to it (Mat 16:16,20)
IV Divine Power
i) Shielded by God’s Power: The Greek word here is Phoroureo which means kept with a garrison, e.g., Phi 4:7, the peace of God.
ii) Faith is the means of this protection: All God’s blessings including he preservation flows into our lives through the connection of faith.
V Joy in Sufferings
i) The previous blessings lead to rejoicing in suffering: One blessing leads to another.
ii) A little while: Bible calls them light and momentary trials (2Co 4:17, c.f. Jam 1:2,12)
VI Genuine Faith
i) Trials in the face of the resurrection have a purpose: They prove our faith and show it to be genuine. Gold perishes, (2Pe 3:10 the elements will perish) faith is imperishable as it is based on the bedrock of the resurrection.
VII Second Coming
i) Jesus Christ is revealed: The resurrection leads to the sure hope of the Second Coming. “This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” (Act 1:11)
The resurrection is the bedrock of our faith and from which we draw on every blessing that we have in Christ. This Resurrection Sunday we are encouraged that we have: New Birth/ Living Hope/ Sure Inheritance/ Divine Protection/ Joy in Suffering/ Genuine Faith/ Second Coming.