
Resurrecting Hope (Easter Sunday)

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Jesus' resurrection brings hope and new life to our darkest moments, and we can find hope in unexpected places when we keep our eyes open and trust in Him.

Resurrecting Hope (Easter Sunday)

Youth Group Plan: Resurrecting Hope (Easter Sunday) (John 20:11-18)

Youth Sermon: Resurrecting Hope (Easter Sunday)


Today, we're gonna talk about hope, which is the feeling you get when you believe something good is gonna happen, even when things seem pretty bad. Easter is all about hope, and we're gonna dive into a story from the Bible that shows us how Jesus brings hope to our lives. So, let's get started!

Check out this balloon. Right now, it's pretty sad and lifeless, right? But watch what happens when I start to fill it with air. As the air fills the balloon, it starts to come to life and take shape. That's kinda like what hope does for us. When we feel deflated and down, hope fills us up and brings us back to life. Keep this in mind as we go through our message today.

When we feel deflated and down, hope fills us up and brings us back to life.

The Story of Mary and Jesus

So, let's talk about Mary. She went to Jesus' tomb, expecting to find His body, but instead, she found it empty. At first, she didn't even recognize Jesus when He appeared to her. She was so focused on what was missing that she missed the hope right in front of her.

Sometimes, we're like Mary. When things go wrong, we focus on what's missing or what didn't happen, instead of looking for the hope that's right in front of us. But Easter is a reminder that God is always working to bring hope into our lives, even when we least expect it.

Hope and New Life

Think about springtime. After a long, cold winter, it's amazing to see everything come back to life. Trees start to bud, flowers bloom, and the world is filled with color again. Spring always comes at just the right time, bringing new life and hope.

In the same way, Jesus brings hope and new life to us. When Mary finally recognized Jesus, her hope was restored. She realized that Jesus had power over death, and that meant He could overcome anything in our lives.

Jesus said in John 11:25, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.' That means that when we believe in Jesus, we have hope for a full life now and forever.


So, what does this mean for us? It means that we can look for hope in our everyday lives, even when things seem tough. We can trust that Jesus is always working to bring new life and hope to us, just like springtime after a long winter.

Let's finish with a prayer. Jesus, thank You for the hope we find in Easter. Help us to see You in our lives and trust in Your power to bring new life and hope. Fill us up like a balloon, so we can share Your hope with others. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How does the story of Jesus' resurrection bring hope to your life?

2. Can you think of a time when you found hope in an unexpected place or situation?

3. How can we keep our eyes open for signs of hope in our daily lives?

4. What are some ways we can share the hope of Jesus' resurrection with others?

5. How can we support each other in finding hope during difficult times?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Empty Tomb Scavenger Hunt

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