
Summary: The Biblical tithe is a prescription for the restoration of people.

Tithing is not the art of raising money, it is the art of people raising!

1. READ verse 7 “you have not followed My prescriptions”

2. Malachi 3 was not just another approach to raise money...


4. The priests were corrupt & the people in sin. [They offered God polluted, sick animals.]

5. Many like the people of Malachi, living in rebellion, away from the Lord, offering Him only your leftovers (time, talents or treasures) ...

6. Can’t figure out what is wrong????

Three declarations in this passage concerning restoration.

1- God Rebukes our Rebellion (Malachi 3:7-9)

“You have robbed Me.” It is serious when God says, “You are a thief!” (1 Cor 6:10)

1. In the Hebrew language the word “rob” means, “to take forcibly”

2. This is an active not passive crime! In what ways had God’s people robbed God?

(1) God of glory (2) The Church of ministry (3) The World of Missions (4) Yourself of blessing

3. If God were filling out a police report “they robbed me of the tithes and offerings.”

4. Remember for a robbery to occur there must be ownership. [Me - tapes]

5. Some, "Tithe was only under the law and we live under Grace.": Tithe BEFORE!

Gen. 14:20: Abraham gave the tithe to high priest Melchizedek.

Gen. 28:19-22: Jacob vowed to give a tenth of his possessions to the Lord.

Tithe was incorporated into the law: Lev. 27:30

Tithe was accepted by Jesus in the New Testament : Matt. 23:23

6. It is foolish to think in light of the Calvary that we would do anything less!

7. Tithe is HOLY! Lev. 23:30. Few things in the Bible called Holy. [Only 15% tithe]

Listen carefully. -- It would be better for you to rob a NationsBank.

There are people who wear the tithe, drive the tithe, watch the tithe, play with the tithe, vacation on the tithe, invest the tithe or pay bills with the tithe.

I caution you today that is robbery, taking that which does not belong to you. It is HOLY!!!!

8. Tragic truth - Malachi says there is a “curse” on those who commit this crime.

The curse according to the O.T. could occur spiritually, physically or materially. -not every spiritual, physical or material crisis may be a result of sin or disobedience... however, there are obviously some cases that should signal us that something is wrong and position us to return to Christ.

2- There is a Road to Repentance and Return: (Malachi 3:10)

1. Where there is conviction and rebuke - always a road map to return and repentance.

2. Every word in verse 10 is critical.

“You bring the whole tithe”..[NOT, "as you feel led or you can afford!"]

The Holy Spirit will NEVER lead you to do that which is contrary to HIS WORD!

Not equal gifts - equal sacrifice! [Millionaire & student with an allowance all give same %.]

“Bring into the storehouse that there my be meat in Mine house”

Simply means enough to provide for the work He has called us to accomplish.

"test Me in this"

There are only FOUR times in the Word where you find the words, "test me" three in Psalms are God’s people calling out to God asking Him to test their hearts...

Only once do you find God calling out to His creation and saying, test Me!

3. God puts His name, His honor, His word on the line and says, "Put me to the test!"

4. Tithing is a “believer’s” concept, NEVER expect unbelievers to understand it!!!

3- Concerns Reaping a Glorious Reward: (Malachi 3:10-12)

1. While there is a curse for rebellion there is a blessing for obedience.

2. There is a two-fold reward for obedience.

REWARD OF PROVISION: "Open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings..." I believe that there has never been a time when a lost world needed to see the miraculous hand of God any more than we need His power today.

REWARD OF PROTECTION: "rebuke the devourer on your behalf" We need the adversary rebuked. Many have opened their lives to his attack because they have stepped out from under the umbrella of protection.

1. CORRECTION: I use to say, "God doesn’t need our money" I was convicted...

2. God DOES need our obedient giving or He wouldn’t ask.

3. God’s work is dependent on obedience of His people.

4. You are on the verge of making the next step of faith. [Tithing is about trust]

5. We as a church are on the verge of making the next step of faith.

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Ronald Robey

commented on Mar 16, 2014

Sorry Pastor, But I have to disagree with this sermon. The tithes God was demanding in Malachi were not monetary tithes... they were agricultural. See Leviticus 27:30-34. Tithes were food throughout the period of the Mosaic Law, and were still food in the last chapter that mentions them in the New Testament. Hebrews 7 says the sons of Levi have a commandment to take tithes of their brethren... according to the Law. The Law never called for a monetary tithe... only agricultural.

Samuel Sarpong

commented on Jun 16, 2014

I bet to differ a little because we are in a world now where we cannot offer food to God so literally it has got something to do with money...those were the olden days we are in a spiritual era now so how do we give food as tithe...of course it is not mandatory to give money if you have not but it is mandatory that as a worker you need to give 1/10 of your income to your maker........You need to consider this as well

Ronald Robey

commented on Jun 16, 2014

Samuel, You say it is mandatory that a worker needs to give 1/10 of your income to your maker. If it is mandatory as you say, can you produce the Scripture that tells me it is mandatory? As to your claim that "we cannot offer food to God today" comment, I am assuming you are inferring that they did not have money to tithe back in olden days? You are completely wrong! Read Deuteronomy 14, 22-27. The tither could sell his tithe for money, but had to buy back the tithe with that money... and eat it. Also Leviticus 27:31. The crops tithe could be bought back by the tither, but the tither had to add 20 to the assessed value of the tithe. So, even though money was readily available, it was not tithed. Awaiting your response to my question for you to provide Scripture that says workers must tithe 10 of their money.

Anthony Petronico

commented on Jan 16, 2016

My dear friend when Abraham paid Melchizedek "tithes of all" the Bible was speaking of monetary as well as live stock. Abraham even said he would not take the money bc he did not want the King of Sodom to be able to say that he made Abraham rich. That my friend is tithes that were monies

Ronald Robey

commented on Jun 16, 2014

Samuel, You say it is mandatory that a worker needs to give 1/10 of your income to your maker. If it is mandatory as you say, can you produce the Scripture that tells me it is mandatory? As to your claim that "we cannot offer food to God today" comment, I am assuming you are inferring that they did not have money to tithe back in olden days? You are completely wrong! Read Deuteronomy 14, 22-27. The tither could sell his tithe for money, but had to buy back the tithe with that money... and eat it. Also Leviticus 27:31. The crops tithe could be bought back by the tither, but the tither had to add 20 to the assessed value of the tithe. So, even though money was readily available, it was not tithed. Awaiting your response to my question for you to provide Scripture that says workers must tithe 10 of their money.

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