Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus calls Christians to work for Him, but then after the work is done we are to rest in Him. It is when we work FOR the Lord that we then EARN rest ... not before.
Mark 6:30-34
- This morning I was blessed to rest for a service and take some time to recharge
- I went out, got breakfast, took a walk, and just fellowshipped with those I met
-- On a side note, if you go out to lunch on Sunday, you need to tip the staff
-- I talked to 3 different people who wished they could be in church today
- While I was resting, a particular scripture came to me to share tonight
- Prayerfully, we can all see the application in this in our lives and apply it now
- Often, we simply don’t take time the time out of the day to rest/recover
- Life is always GO, GO, GO – and to be honest it shouldn’t be; at least not always
- We need to find time to rest; for clarity and filling of God’s Spirit in our lives
- Even Jesus and the Disciples needed rest; they were always on the GO
- This is a lesson we learn as well as learn how to apply in our lives
- Sometimes rest is needed to focus our hearts on worship; to focus on Christ
- A.W. Tozer said, “Worship is no longer worship when it reflects the culture around us more than the Christ in us.”
- APP: Sometimes we need to get back to the Christ in us; and let that shine
- Resting in Jesus is just as important as working for Him, tonight we’ll see that
- Stand and read Mark 6:30-34 / Pray
Point 1 – Being a Christian Requires Work (30)
- The disciples had spent their time going out; worked; and then they came back
- They found time to do all things, because of their priorities (Jesus first)
- Simply stated, they were devoted to:
1. Sharing (giving others the Gospel)
2. Caring (giving to others what they need)
3. Delivering (being faithful to execute what God has given you)
4. Worshipping (spending time devoted to Christ in honor of Him)
- Quote from the bulletin this week: Charles H. Spurgeon wrote, “There is no fatigue so wearisome as that which comes from lack of work.”
- They followed the example of the leader … they were devoted to GOING
- They never really gave much thought to skipping out, or to their own desires
-- Sure, they had complaints like we all do (think Peter); but were faithful
- This is the attitude that we too must have; devoted to all things of Christ
- It should be our driving motive; to go and to share and to give people Jesus
- TRANS: But, going is not the only this we should do; rest is needed also
Point 2 – Rest is Important (31-32)
- Seeing they were tired and weary; Jesus recognized this and called them away
- Being a good leader takes this – recognizing when your people need a break
-- A good leader recognizes when folks are worn out
-- It is critical to have ENERGY in order to work; and rest is all that provides it
- Jesus called them away to spend time with Him; to go and rest
- Visual: Consider the hustle and bustle of the day; calmed by going indoors
-- The sound is different; the mood is different; even the lighting is different
- Often we just need to take a short break and recharge our batteries; to focus
- Spending time with Jesus should be special; it should bring us peace and comfort
- It should be an opportunity to gather our thoughts and take time away to:
1. Hear (#1) – The priority in rest is to hear from God
2. Pray – We must spend time in prayer
3. Seek – (Seek ye first the Kingdom of God (Matt 6:33))
4. Respond (Our response is critical; do we obey God’s direction)
- CAUTION: We must be sure we hear from God and not anything else
-- 1 John 4:1, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
- APP: (v31) Jesus told them to “come with me by YOURSELVES”; they went
- TRANS: But rest sometimes brings an opportunity to minister as well
Point 3 – Even when resting, there are opportunities (33-34)
- V33-34; even when they were away from the crowds, the crowds still followed
- Consider for a moment the dimensions of a sea, or a large lake
-- Often you cannot see across to the other side, this is the concept
-- Now, imagine these folks running around the lake JUST to see Jesus
- APP: This is what was happening here; they knew He had something they needed