
Summary: This message poses a very important question: Can you find rest in the midst of a storm?

Mark 4:35 – 41 (Jesus Stills the Sea)

Time Line of Jesus Ministry (After Disciples)

1. The Baptism of Jesus - Mark 1:9

2. Temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness - Mark 1:12

3. Jesus Calls his First Disciples – Mark 1:16

4. Jesus Ministers in Galilee – Mark 2

5. Jesus Declares Himself Lord of the Sabbath – Mark 3

6. Healed the Sick

7. Jesus Speaks Many Parables (Preaches)– Mark 4

The Disciples & Jesus

At This point the disciples have seen Jesus Heal People, Peach & Teach, but they were still unsure who this Jesus was. Yet still they could not grasp the concept that they were in the presence of something and someone greater than anything they had ever seen or imagined.

Commentary on the Sea

Andrew, Peter, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, worked as fishermen. As fisherman they would have known that the Sea of Galilee was famous for its sudden and severe storms. According to experts the storms produced winds that funnel through the passes and canyons of the surrounding hills and create severe turbulence on the water. As experienced fishermen, the disciples knew that this was an almost constant risk in their profession.

Storms of Life & Rest

There is nobody in the world that will not face a storm during his or her life.

These storms are often directed at our families, our health, our kids, our job, or at our finances.

The effects of the storm however, depend on how prepared we are to deal with them.

We cannot deal with the storms of life by ourselves. We need the help of the One who overcame all storms, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We need to enter into a relationship with Him and when we have built a relationship with him we can rest in knowing that he has everything in our lives under control.

How to Enter God’s Rest

1. Stop Relying On Yourself For Everything, Have Faith In God

We enter into God’s rest by first understanding our total inability to enter God’s rest on our own. It requires a relationship with the one who is in control.

(Jesus/ God, Cruise Captain/Passenger)

God’s Rest requires you to relinquish control!

When you find yourself in stress and worry and care, let it indicate to you that your not in rest.

2. Avoid Distractions

(Family, Friends, Spouse, Job, etc)

Anything that distract your rest is also blocking your best, blocking the finish work of Jesus Christ in your life, blocking God’s will for your life

3. Don’t Live Life By Your Emotions

One of the biggest mistakes we make in life is living by our emotions.

You cannot live your life by emotions, emotions change.

The only thing that stays constant is God word! God’s word is seed for us, it is what the word of God calls the incorruptible seed, it will always produce.

By living your life through emotions you can never rest because if your emotions change you cannot produce.

Why is it important that you produce? 4th Commandment: God produced the world before he could rest. (Faith: Without Work is Dead)

4. Live a Life of Obedience

a. Wait on the Lord for an answer to your problem or situation.

b. Listen to the Holy Spirit.

c. Be willing to wait or walk away when the way before you is unclear.

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