Rest For The Weary
Contributed by Christopher Nerreau on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Sometimes we can do all the right things as Christians and still be at the end of our rope. In this sermon I will encourage both believers and unbelievers to seek rest in Christ.
“Rest For The Weary”
Matthew 11:28
Open in Prayer
ILLUSTRATION: Think back with me if you will to a time when you were about 6 yrs. Old. Can you remember playing all day, not a worry in the world? Can you remember the feeling of your pillow at the end of the day? You just had a tubby, got on your feetie PJ’s, put your head on the fresh new pillowcase and slid under your fresh sheets as your mother rubbed your hair and put you to sleep. Do remember what it felt like to go to bed and not wake up until morning?
Contrast that image with this one, You just had your third child, you have been laid off from work, you do not know how your going to look for another job because your suit is at the cleaners and you don’t have the money to pick it up. When you lay down to go to bed your head hits a freshly drooled on pillow, you have one of your kids feet in your face, someone has just wet the bed and you and your spouse are fighting about who’s going to clean it up. When you finally do fall asleep you wake up every hour on the hour with plenty of worries and not enough covers.
I used this mind picture to illustrate a great Christian truth. We can be like the child spiritually speaking or we can be like the adult. We can be completely rested spiritually or we can be weary, burdened and heavy laden.
Read Passage: 28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
PROPOSITION: Christ is the only way a person can find rest for their soul.
This evening I want to show you what Jesus has to say about resting in Him.
I. Christ’s Plea – (Come to me)
II. Christ’s People -(Weary, burdened, heavy laden)
III. Christ’s Promise – (He is gentle, humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.)
Lets begin this evening by taking a look at…
I. Christ’s Plea – “vs. 28 Come to me”
Jesus makes a plea to those who are burdened by the law. To those who in their own strength are trying to please God. He makes a plea to those who have been weighed down with the laws and customs of the Pharisees and Sadducees, who have been told that if they are not perfect all will suffer.
Yet at the same time Christ is speaking to us tonight in this place. We who say we understand God’s grace and yet often wonder if He loves us, we who constantly in our wrong doing feel as if were no good. We who fall so short each day we have to ask God how he could possibly love us. Jesus says to God’s people then and today come to me.
Expose The Text:
· “Come” – To make progress toward Christ.
o Yield your will
o Drop your agenda
o Turn from yourself toward God
· “To Me” – As we yield our wills and drop our agendas we will end up face to face with the Christ.
The other day I saw my son Matthew outside playing. He has CP and is slightly handicapped physically. He grows tired when he plays to hard and I can see this was happening. He wanted to keep playing with the other kids, he wanted to continue to please his friends but I could tell he was burnt out. I called him in and just held him for a while, I gave him a bananna and some juice. I just loved him and held him. After about a 1/2 hr. he was ready to go back out and play. Maybe that is you today? Handicapped by sin and tired? You want to keep up with bible study, prayer, praise, fellowship, evangelism ect. yet your so tired. The Lord recognizes it and is calling you to "Come to Me".
· Tonight we have been called from labor to rest, Are you looking for rest tonight? Is there a place down deep in your soul that is searching for rest? Do you long to have a peace with God even when you have fallen short? Christ says, “Come to me”!
· But you say how? How do I come to Christ? We come to him by yielding, surrendering, giving up on our plan for our life and having no conditions.
· In order to come to Christ you must realize (2) things: