
Summary: Elijah was at the forefront of the Mount Carmel victory and the revival.The nation, and even Elijah, thought he was the last prophet left alive. But his perspective changed after he had an encounter with God on the mountain. He discovered that God had reserved 7000 people for himself.

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“Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.” 1 Kings 19:18

When there was a severe famine in Israel, everyone might have talked about Prophet Elijah. Elijah was at the forefront of the Mount Carmel victory and the revival. There were disastrous times in Israel for several years. The nation, and even Elijah, thought he was the last prophet left alive. But his perspective changed after he had an encounter with God on the mountain. He discovered that God had reserved 7000 people for himself. For many years, these 7000 people were not involved in the public happenings in Israel, were kept out of the public eye in Israel, hidden from Ahab and even the Israeli people. We don't know what these 7000 people did or how big of an impact their relationship with God had on the nation of Israel.

Maybe they prayed and ministered to God in secret while leading simple lifestyles. Everyone talks about Elijah(who is seen), but these reserved people(who are hidden)also had a significant impact on Israel. According to the Bible, these reserved people's knees did not bow to Baal, and their mouths did not kiss Baal. It signifies that God directed and governed these people's ways, actions, works, and speech. They lived among Israelites who mainly worshipped Baal but maintained Holy Lives unto the Lord. During the famine, Elijah hid in places away from Israel, but these people may have stayed in Israel trusting the Lord. God never used the word reserved, but it has such a powerful meaning in this verse.

These people lived a holy life in midst of turbulent times of Baal worship and famine. They were reserved for God himself. They had been set apart for God himself. It also indicates that no matter what happens outside, these people's lives are completely devoted to God. They are not bound by earthly blessings and affections. Their relationship with God was unaffected by their external surroundings. They may be continuously ministering, praying, and interceding to God. They may have been hidden their entire lives, with only those like Elijah knowing about them. What an amazing life these 7000 individuals could have had with God. They are referred to as reserved people without having a specific name or ministry for themselves.

They are reserved for God, whether the outside world notices or not. God has set them aside for himself. We talk about Elijah when we talk about Mount Carmel's victory, but we don't know how big of an impact the 7000 reserved people made. These 7000 persons also have an equal or greater impact than Elijah on Mount Carmel's victory. Their intercession, prayers, and relationship with God might have much more impact on Israel. Only once we enter heaven then we will know the real impact of the reserved people on Israel and Mount Carmel victory. We see people like Elijah all the time, but not the reserved ones. We don't see God’s reserved people very often, and it's tough to recognise them. However, the impact they have on our land is very significant.

The fire did not fall on the altar with only Elijah's prayer, but also as a result of the prayers of 7000 reserved people. God won the battle on Mount Carmel, with Elijah and 7000 reserved people part of His team.

When God decided to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham asked God, "Suppose ten righteous people are found there in Sodom and Gomorrah, will you destroy it?". Maybe for Abraham’s sake, God always keeps some righteous people in every city or nation to save the people of the land from God's destruction, as He did in Sodom and Gomorrah. These righteous people remain hidden, maintaining the land's sanity and preventing God's destruction. Just like that 7000 reserved people were present in the land of Israel during Elijah's time to prevent God's wrath. If you come across these reserved people, don't tell anyone about them and keep them hidden.

Let them stay away from the public eye and don’t bring them to Christian limelight. God did not mention to Elijah about them until he told God that he was the last prophet alive. Even during tough times in the land, God did not bring these 7000 hidden people to the forefront. God kept these reserved people for himself. These people ministered to God in secret(having simple lives) have the same impact on the land of Israel as Elijah. We don’t know whether these reserved people are prophets or ministers but most importantly they are people who minister and serve God before the throne.

If you have an opportunity, do you want to be like Prophet Elijah with a public ministry or a God's reserved person ministering to God Himself with a hidden ministry, but having the same or even greater impact on the land of Israel as Elijah? Because of Elijah’s public ministry or people bothering him, Elijah might not have spent more time with God, but if you are God's reserved person, you will have plenty of time to spend with God. God's reserved person will have more time to pray and intercede for the land with God. In their place of prayer they will do great things, yet they live simple lives hidden from the public eye and are not caught up with external happenings of the land. Even though you are hidden from public eye all through your life, will you minister to God?

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