Resen To Return
Contributed by Ohm Kevaley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Secand comming of our Lord Jesus Christ
Risen to Return
By Pastor Ohm Prakash
As we think about our lord Jesus and his resurrection from dead. I want to draw our attention –not so much on his resurrection but on purpose for which he rose
I know not more comforting message of hope- Then our lord’s Return: Doctrine of second Coming of our lord-of-of Christian faith on which our hope revolves: I have title this article as RISEN TO RETURN.
Nothing baffles us human beings more then two very basic things and they are namely nothingness-and death, it is because we human being are firm believer of the fact- that out of nothing comes nothing .If you say something coming out of nothing that is absurd it does not fit in our rational thinking. Secondly it is the reality of death because death is the one such event over which we have absolutely no control and from which we cannot escape. Someone has rightly said the dust of death is upon us and the grave is waiting to maul us anytime. No one can get out of this world without facing his or her own death. But nothingness and death are no problem to God – because out of nothingness he created the whole universe-and out of death he raised Jesus Christ thus the Creation and the resurrection remains the two major manifestations of God’s power. One more is yet to come and that is when He shall raise us from the dead. That will happen when we shall return.
Scripture tells us in Acts 1:11 “ You men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven. (KJV)
“BEHOLD!!” Predicts the prophetical oracles “ He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over him. So it is to be. Amen.”
Let me draw your attention to some of the facts in the scripture so that you will understand how important is the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
q There is 333different prophecy in O.T concerning the coming of Christ. 109 of them are already fulfilled in his first coming remains 224 of them are yet to be fulfilled during his II coming.
Out of 46 O.T prophet –10 of them speaks of Christ’s first coming –36 speaks of Christ’s II coming
1527 verses of O.T verses tells the detail about the second coming
1 out of every 25 verses in N.T refers to the second coming of Christ
For every time Bible mentions the first coming of Christ once it mention second coming of Christ 8 times.
Every time Bible mentions sacrificial death of Christ once, it mention second coming twice
Every time –it mentions the resurrection of Christ once and it mentions His second coming l3 times
Our lord Jesus Christ himself –mentioned his II coming at numerous times
This is how important is the second coming of our Lord.
To give you a general picture of scenario. According to the scripture the true church that is those who has personal relation to Christ by grace –through faith will be all of sudden snatched out this world that can happen any moment in twinkling of an eye and we’ll meet the lord in the sky and go to heaven
Those saints who are already dead will rise first and given a new glorious body. All those still alive will be caught up in the heaven we’ll all be joined together to meet the lord in air.
Immediately – after the church is raptured a world government will be set up by satanic forces. The political leader of that world government will a peace treaty or covenant with many especially with Israel.
As soon as the leader of this world govt comes to the pick of his power, He eventually exercise and absolute control over the world. The head of that world govt. will then demand that whole world should worship him. - Those who refuse to do, will be killed in massive numbers
Then the Bible says at the same time this is going on- there will come from God a series of catastrophic judgments. Through which almighty god will himself pour out his fury and wrath – resulting half of the whole population destroyed .The whole thing will finally culminate in massive world war involving the forces of this world who shall meet in a valley in Israel known as plan of Megiddo to fight the battle of Armageddon.
As the army of this world will be fighting that battle, the heavens will slip and the sky will go black, and Jesus will appear in blazing glory with glorified church. He’ll judge the wicked and he will establish his kingdom on earth, reign, as king of king –lord of lords –At the end of his 1000 years of reign the Satan and his emissaries---- will be cast into lake of fire. And the righteous will be taken into new heaven ---That’s how this world will come to an end.