Contributed by Jeremy Houck on Feb 19, 2003 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the first sermon I preached. God is willing to rescue us if we will let Him.
We are fascinated by Rescues:
Songs – Rescue Me (world) \ Rescue the perishing (church)
T.V. – Rescue 911
News pays big money to get a rescue on tape.
5 Stages to a rescue
1. realization
2. reaction
3. rescue
4. rejoicing
5. reach out
I. Realize
A. Story of me getting the stuffing beat of me. (I knew I needed to be rescued)
B. 1986 on the news a plane crashed and a man jumped out of his car and dove in an icy river to save a young girl.
C. College watching B Budget movies ( The Blob)
1. They need to be rescued but don’t know it.
II. Reaction ( Psalm 107 )
A. vs 4-7 Wandered away
B. vs 10-14 Turned there back on God
C. vs 17-19 Just dumb decisions
D. vs 23-29 Think that they’ve got it made Every reaction is the same
III. Rescue
A. Who will rescue and How
1. First song taught ( Jesus loves Me )
Not a tingling; Romantic; sexual love but a John 3:16 self sacrifice
B. Examples of this Love:
1. Woman at the well (John 4:1-30)
2. Cast the first stone ( John 8: 1-11 )
3. Wash the disciples feet ( John 13:1-17) Xtra careful with Judas
IV. Rejoicing
A. Apathy
1. What did Christ do for you?
2. Don’t you usually share good news. (Share Christ)
B. When I had my eye surgery how I felt when I saw the alarm clock
C. Saturdays Football Game with excited I Sunday like read scripture like death.
D. Ex. Song leader I’ll Fly Away
V. Reach Out
A. God can use you if you let Him
1. Moses and his speech problem a. Exodus 4: 10 I am slow of speech
2. Young David and Goliath
a. I Sam 17:32- end of Ch.
3. Gideon
a. Judges 6: 11 Now the Angel of the LORD came and sat under the terebinth tree which was in Ophrah, which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, while his son Gideon threshed wheat in the winepress, in order to hide it from the Midianites. ( Hid behind the wine press )
VI. Song By Acappella: Lord you know everything I’ve done every thought I’ve had you know everyone and lord you give not what I’m due but mercy You come to my mercy.