Repentance Series
Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus began his teaching ministry with this bold proclamation. He commands repentance as a requirement for entrance into His kingdom. Jesus presents all men with only two choices in life: 1. Come to repentance, or 2. Perish.
The Teachings of Christ Repentance
#1 in Series Matthew 4:17
• Jesus began his teaching ministry with this bold proclamation. He commands repentance as a requirement for entrance into His kingdom.
• Jesus presents all men with only two choices in life:
1. Come to repentance, or
2. Perish Luke 13:3, 5
• Jesus declared that His ministry was to call sinners, those in need of salvation, to repentance. Luke 5:32
• Definitions:
American Heritage Dictionary–to feel such regret for past conduct as to change one’s mind regarding it.
Vine’s–A change of mind that involves both a turning from sin and a turning to God. Always, in the NT, repentance involves a changing of the mind for the better and always of repentance from sin.
• Repentance means to turn or turn around.
• To go 180° not 360°, turn to God from whatever is distracting us from God or from whatever is taking God’s place.
• Repentance is a word that involves both a positive and a negative. A turning away and a turning to.
There are three rewards that come from repentance.
I. Repentance brings Refreshing.
A. Make way for Refreshing. Acts 3:19–20
B. Definition: Refreshing - A Greek medical term meaning to heal as a result of being exposed to air.
C. Our need for refreshing is like a person overcome with heat and gasping for air. Without air the physical body dies. Without the refreshing that comes from God our spirit begins to suffocate.
II. Repentance brings Restoration.
A. Definitions of Restoration:
1. Dictionary: to bring back to the original state.
2. Biblical: to make better than the original.
B. The example of Job.
1. Job was a rich man, blessed by God with health, wealth, friends and possessions.
2. Job lost everything at the hands of the devil.
3. Having stood the test, God restored what Job had lost. Job 42:10–16
C. We are broken and defective; repentance promises being made better than ever. Repentance promises salvation.
III. Repentance brings Revival.
A. The example of revival at Corinth. 2 Cor. 7:11
1. In 1 Cor. Paul addressed their sins and their response to sin.
a. They did not realize the depth of sin or it’s consequence.
b. They did not realize that sin in one’s life can ruin more than just those involved.
2. 1 Cor. brought them to repentance and a renewed zeal for God.
B. The impact repentance had on the Corinthians. 2 Cor. 7:11
1. Earnestness = Seriousness
2. Eagerness = full of Desire
3. Longing = a Craving
4. Concern = a focused Effort
5. Readiness = Prompt Compliance
• Jesus stressed repentance as a focal point of His ministry.
• Repentance is necessary and essential to salvation. 2 Cor. 7:10 “godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation.”
• Jesus’ last words to His apostles before He returned to heaven. Luke 24:45–47