Renewal Of Commitment To God's House
Contributed by Andrew Chan on Jan 7, 2003 (message contributor)
Summary: Why we must come together and renew our commitment to each other as the church
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Renewal of Commitment to God’s House
There is a story… God decided that it was time to end the world, so he called together the three most influential people in the world – Pres. George Bush, (represents free world), Fidel Castro (represents communist world) and Bill Gates (represents tech world). God told them “The world will end. You must go tell the people.”
Bush made a live statement on CNN “I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is that we have been right and the Raelians are wrong. There is a God. The bad news is that he is ending the world.”
Castro send out a worldwide message to communist world. “I have bad news and I have worse news. The bad news is that we have been wrong all along. There is a God. The worse news is that he is ending the world.”
Gates got out his laptop and sent out a worldwide e-mail on the Internet. He wrote, “I have good news and I have better news. The good news is that God thinks that I am one of the three most influential people in the world. The better news is that we don’t have to upgrade Windows XP.”
As Christians, we have good news. No, we have better news. Good news is “There is a God” and the better news is that He has not left us alone. He has come for us. That’s what we just celebrated in the Christmas season. It is to tell the world God so loved the world that He gave His Son Jesus. He is revealed to the world. God is not far off in some remote Neverland, illusive like the Loch Ness Monster, invisible as the air we breathe. He came close, close enuff to be touched, close enuff to be held, and to hold someone, close enough to be felt. God came with flesh on him.
Perhaps that’s all you need to hear today. But let me tell you more, God did not come to just to be close to us. He came so that we can belong, belong to Him who is eternal, belong to something beyond our little world and ourselves. There’s something in us that wants to belong to a bigger world, belong to something we would give our life for, world-wide movement of God, belong to a family…
Today is membership Sunday… and this is not just a paper-pushing event. It is an event of that can change the world, because it is day that we declare we are one in the Lord.
21 My prayer for all of them is that they will be one, just as you and I are one, Father—that just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you sent me.
22 “I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are—23 I in them and you in me, all being perfected into one. Then the world will know that you sent me and will understand that you love them as much as you love me. John 17:21-23 (NLT)
This passion and prayer of Jesus… When we live as family members of the living God, capturing the vision of being One just as the Father and Son are one, loving, giving, mutually supporting, there is power. When we know that is God’s calling on us all to be one, how can we disobedient to it - how can we divide, how can bicker, how can we fight, how can we be at odds with each other… See the heart of God? Isn’t it to be one? Isn’t it time to put aside especially this new year all that divides, all that creates conflict, all that destroys love and come under the heart of God which is His calling to be One!
If there’s anyone here who harbor hate in his heart, or grudges, it is time to hear God’s call to be one. Hear His heart crying out for us to be one? God desires us to be changed through the power of love. So shall we gather to be one? this delights God to no end. If we have a heart desiring unity, purposefully seek that Oneness Christ prays for, this world can change. O for a world that is rid of fear, terror, gangs, violence, war, bullying, chemical dependency, poverty, injustice, hatred, racism, o for a world that is One as God the father and the Son, Jesus is one. Isn’t there enuff of bad news, it fills every newscast
Isn’t there enuff discouragement in our world to fill a thousand worlds… Look at Senators hockey team best in NHL but unable to pay their players – other teams wonder where have the fans gone. Climate change –global warming, terrorist threats, conflict everywhere u look. People are troubled, get sick, people get laid off, people face pressure, people die, and people have disappointments, people hurt. They wonder when will it all end. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? We can show the world there’s light when we show that we are members of one family, when we mean business in sharing life together, when we do church as God intended.