Remnant Of God Series
Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 15, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: God has always had a remnant to do the work He has called us to do.
The grafting in of Gentiles and Jews
Romans 11:11-24
Good morning everyone, if you could turn to Romans chapter 11verses 11-24.
Continuing in our series with Christianity 101
Looking at the letter Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Rome.
Understanding and seeing all the chaos that has broke out in Israel, I do not think it a coincidence that we land on Romans 11 this morning.
The nation of Israel is under attack and many people are dying on both sides and we should be a people of prayer and be lifting this biblical nation up before our holy and righteous God.
Because of time, we are not able to read the whole chapter but in the beginning of chapter 11, the Apostle Paul begins with a question…Does God reject His people?
His people being the Jews and the nation of Israel.
Because of the covenant with Abraham and his descendants Paul says an emphatic No!
Romans chapters 9-11 is a package that speaks of the grafting in of both the Jews and Gentiles in the wonderful works of Jesus on the cross.
The question…does God reject His chosen people is a hard question to understand when you read and see that the Jews at this time as a nation have rejected Jesus Christ as savior.
In fact Paul references scripture that says the prophet Elijah cried out against Israel (3) “Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars. I am the only one left, and they are trying to kill me?
Funny how many in the thick of battle think they are the only ones going through something, only ones persecuted…only ones that are standing up for righteousness of God.
God answers him but it is not the answer he is wanting- “I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal.”
God’s answer reminds a crying prophet that as much as he thinks that he is the only one- God has in fact seven thousand just like him serving and not bowing to Satan and doing evil.
He reminds him that there is a remnant, chosen by grace and not by works that will not bow and will not serve other Gods.
God has always had a remnant of people- there has always been a remnant of believing Jews. Those who believed that Jesus was the promised Messiah.
He has always used that remnant to accomplish big things for His glory and tasks.
God says that right now they struggle to believe. (7) “God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes so they could not see so that they could not hear.”
Right now they have a blinded eye- stupor- “a state of unconsciousness or insensibility”. Drunken stupor is to drink enough alcohol that you are unconscious of the things around you to make right decisions.
Israel’s rejection of Jesus is not final.
We will see what that means in a moment.
So we come to the text- the grafting as a noun, a shoot or twig inserted into the trunk so that it can receive nourishment. Medically, a tissue that is grafted or surgically placed- (connection) so the fallen Jews to be grafted back on the branch of God and the Gentiles (all others) having an opportunity to be grafted in and experience salvation. (Let that sink in for a minute)
Romans 11:11-24 Read from Bible clearly and slowly.
Apostle Paul to the church at Rome and to us tells us that the Jews have not fallen so far that they could never come back or recover.
That because of their transgression that a window of opportunity has come to all else so that all are invited to be a part of the family of God under the Lordship of Christ.
That the fall of the Jews would be a blessing to all others.
How much more will God rejoice as His chosen people come back to Him?
Paul’s argument is that God has a plan, a divine plan that started at the promise of Abraham and it’s fulfillment in Christ going to the cross.
That all might have an opportunity for salvation through the wonderful works of Christ.
“ Saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.” (Repeat)
God has not rejected his people in the fact that there is always a remnant of God’s people and that they will spread the word of God and see people come to Him.
Paul presents himself as a case in point- “I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. That doesn’t mean much to Gentiles, but the Roman Jews understood what he was saying- How can anyone think that God has rejected his people? Consider the evidence; I Paul, am an Israelite and a believer. More than most of my fellow Israelites. I am all that and a bag of chips!