
Summary: Thanksgiving service a look into who God is and why he deserves a life style of Thanksgiving

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2020-2021 WOW! Unreal!

Politics – finances – natural disasters – civil unrest – death toll – COVID – closures – shortages – quarantine – executive orders – riots

One glance at a new paper and you can easily see the desperate state our world is in

Our homes are being invaded with everything from the influx of violence in our television shows along with a constant barrage of sexual innuendos

Work places no longer recognize Sabbath or corporate worship as a life’s necessity instead many are forced to choose between a paycheck or a Sabbath connection with your church family

Texting and facebooking are quickly replacing face to face conversations

Every person in this room has been touched by grief within this last year alone…..

From the moment I was invited to give this years message I was in prayer asking God for his guidance… How Lord? What do you want me to share? I have been in constant prayer, reading various passages, even other sermons on the subject

And over and over again I felt such conviction …


I am a wreck, my words fail me, my short comings shackle me in my finite body how can I ever begin to “REMIND THEM” how do I help people to see a God who is infinitely more than I can ever comprehend ……………. REMIND THEM

READ PSALM 103: 1 – 22

Let look a little deeper

V2 “Let all that I am praise you…… May I never forget the good things he does for me”

Then the psalmist goes on to remind us all the “good things” the father has done for us…

V3 “He forgives all my sin……

“…. Heals all my diseases:

this is an eternal statement referencing “all my sin” meaning past present, and future – NOT as a license to sin but a reminder that his forgiveness covers ALL my sin

“Heals all my disease” again this is an eternal statement although he heals often now …. When he doesn’t we can trust that eternally we will be healed and provide with new bodies *of course there is a deeper explanation regarding this verse but that would be for another sermon

V4 “redeems me from death… crowns me with love & mercy”

When this life is complete for me it is NOT the end of my story God REDEEMS me from death what a powerful promise I can not even begin to imagine what it would be like to face death without such a promise.

V5 “fills my life with good things”

The implications of this verse are not intended to be applied as a reference to material wealth ….

Romans 8: 28

“we know that God causes everything to work together for the

good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose”

we may not understand or fully see why God does all the things he does but we can take comfort in the fact that God is always working for our spiritual benefit

V6”he gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly”

How much time is wasted in the pursuit of personal justice….

“I didn’t deserve to be treated that way”

“you deserve better”

“that’s not fair”

facebook posts, lawyer fees even news paper articles are filled with reports of the injustice

the Lord gives righteousness and justice

I don’t need to worry about the “how” or “when” I can simply rest in the peace I find in the truth of WHO God is…. HE is the bringer of righteousness and justice

V8 “the Lord is: compassionate – merciful show to get angry and filled with unfailing love”

I feel like this verse is here because we need a fresh dose of reality….

As you sit down tomorrow to eat your meal take a few moments to close you eyes and soak this in….

He is not far off

He is compassionate – he cares of you

He is merciful – he is quick to extend forgiveness

Slow to get angry – so very patient with us

And FILLED with and unfailing love for you

V9 “he will not constantly accuse us nor remain angry forever”

Again we are reminded … he forgives ALL my sins

He doesn’t hold on to it just to throw it back in my face he is not bitter over it … I am forgiven – it is finished!

V10 “he does not punish us for all our sins he does not deal harshly with us as we deserve”

Our neighbors might, our spouse and family might, our boss might

BUT….GOD does not ~ we deserve his wrath but because of his unfailing love and willingness to forgive…

He does not punish us as we deserve

And V12 reminds us of this “he removed our sin as far from us as the east is from the west”

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