
Summary: God calls us in the watrers of Baptism to be saints of God

Let Us Pray:

Merciful Father, endless is your love and compassion for all, especially those who are called by the waters of Baptism to be Saints of God. Through your son Jesus Christ, we are woven together at the feast of everlasting grace. Lord allow us to walk in your ways for your Glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.

I recently read in our Sunday and Seasons (2007 year C) that within the pages of our ELCA Worship booklet woven deeply in our liturgy at the Great Thanksgiving- we find the following quote “ With all the choirs of angels, with all the faithful of every time and place, we praise your name and join their unending hymn,” Each time we share communion, we share it with the heavenly host and all of the saints, who are yet living and who have lived and died believing in Jesus Christ. God will resurrect those saints who have journeyed faithfully here on earth and who are now returned to our Savior’s loving arms because he promised if you ask forgiveness, we would have eternal life. Brothers and Sisters in Christ we are Justified by Faith. We will see the power of God just as our second lesson today states. ( Ephesians 1:11-23) I agree that they are the hall mark of the new life lived by God’s saints, and they dine with us at the Lord’s table.

I will now ask you to reflect on the saints of God, who were placed in your life to nurture and inspire you in your faith. I will ask for a volunteer to pass around these post cards. Please take two, take your time to fill each out. If the saints in which you have mentioned has gone on to be with the Lord, we will collect those in a special basket at the end of this sermon and prayer with you in thanksgiving to God for him blessing you to have a child of God in your life that helped and encouraged you as you matured in your faith.

(have organist play softly Amazing Grace or For By Grace You have been Saved- ELW #598)


God is our hope, our redeemer, our refuge and strength. He gathers us, regardless of what others may think, to be saints of God his beloved children. Yes, we are called in the Waters of Baptism, but it does not end there. When we fail, as often as we as humans do, our Lord is able to lift us up. God who is mercy and abiding in steadfast love walks with us and journeys with as we travel through dark valleys, over hills through muddy terrains and stormy waters. Now we give glory and honor to the one who has begun a good work in us. And let the church say. Amen. Amen and Amen.

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