Remember That One Time??
Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Truth be known, we have all been guilty of playing Thee one ups Manship game. The words, I remember the time have all rolled off of our lips and while it's good to remember, it's better to remember the one who took you thru safely to the other side
Remember that One Time?
Illus. I've Always Liked The Story Of The 3 Old Widows .....
I’ve always liked the story of the 3 old widows who lived together. One sister got up to go to bed, half way up the stairs she stopped and asked "was I going up or was I coming down"
One sister replied with hint of aggravation, "you were going up to bed."
A second sister headed into the kitchen to make herself a sandwich. Once in the kitchen she hollered back to her sister who was still down stairs; "what did I come in here for"
The sister responded again with a trace of irritation, "you went in to make yourself a sandwich" after which she said; "I’m so glad I am not as forgetful as the both of you are" as she knock on the end table.
And then she got up and walked over to the door and said "Who is it?"
Yes, we are a forgetful people. And from my vast experience I have concluded that forgetfulness is not a respecter of age. And there fore we come up with all kinds of ways to help us remember; (string around finger; post it notes, day planners, most recently nowadays, the smart phone....Yes, most of us do need a little help to remember.
Memorial Day, a time when we remember the things others have done. That have left their fingerprints on the quest, for the thing patriotic Americans from every walk of life, hold so dear. Freedom!
Freedom, a tangible asset that always comes with great cost. They say that A picture is worth 1000 words and one of the most iconic photos ever taken that symbolizes freedom, was the one with the soldiers raising the flag during the battle of Iwo Jima.
Illus. One day in late February of 1945, TIME correspondent Robert Sherrod cabled his editors a report about what had occurred on the island of Iwo Jima during the previous day. The island’s Mount Suribachi had been captured that morning, Feb. 23, and an American flag had been raised there. “A lot of the boys cried when they saw the flag raised on top of the mountain,” Sherrod reported, in parentheses, having heard so from a marine officer.
“When the U.S. flag was raised over this highest point on the island,” the magazine duly informed readers in the next issue, “some marines wept openly.”
The sight that made those men weep led to one of the most enduring images of the war and perhaps the 20th century. The Joe Rosenthal Associated Press photograph of a flag-raising on Suribachi was printed in that very issue of TIME, with a caption noting that the moment would “rank with Valley Forge, or Gettysburg."
And, within weeks, the picture had become, as TIME reported then, “easily the most widely printed photograph of World War II.”
Though those men we're just doing their job, The rest of the world looked at them as if they were heroes. If you would ask them, they probably would've said they were no more important then the next guy.
All of the conflicts on the road to freedom, were memorable ones... Starting with the pilgrims. Before there was ever a mayflower, their was the road that led to the Mayflower.
The road that led to the Mayflower all the way until today, was one full of hardship and oppression. God truly has blessed America and the devil has been there fighting with all his might, all along the way!
America never would've been so great without the involvement of the great almighty God. And the devil has known from the beginning because of God's involvement, he would have to try to derail any opportunity of the freedom to worship God.
That's why still after all these years, even after all the great accomplishments America has given God the credit for, the devil continues to try to undo them.
There have been so many heroes in our rich history, of this nation. From the Revolutionary war, to the Civil War, to world war one and two, Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf Wars.
All filled with men and women who did what we consider to be heroic acts. Who if you were to ask on a individual basis, would've probably tried to take no credit for what they did. However if they had all been in a room together, it would've probably been the biggest game of one upmanship the world has ever seen.
Human nature is a funny thing, kind of like Billy Graham once said. It takes around 28 people to win someone to the Lord. The first one thinks they did nothing and the last one thinks they did it all. And all the ones in between, tends to think they were just planting seeds.