Release It All!
Contributed by Greg Johnson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: When you release all of your difficulty to God through prayer, God shakes your house and you become bold for Jesus Christ.
This message is an edited version of a sermon given at Loving God Fellowship. Copyright © 2008 Loving God Fellowship, Inc. http://www.LovingGodFellowship.org . You are encouraged to share this message with those you know that are hungry for God’s Word.
Release it All!
By Rev. Greg Johnson
Acts 4:31
There was this new church plant that was continuing the ministry of Jesus in their city. They were ministering at the point of need as Jesus showed them by example. One day, in the city streets, a couple of the people from the church ministered to a crippled man that was crippled from birth. God performed a miracle that day through two individuals that were ministering at the point of need and the crippled man was able to walk for the very first time. The two individuals immediately pointed people to Jesus and not to themselves and they told people about Jesus right there at the point of need. This upset some in the city and these two individuals were arrested and placed in jail for the night. The next day, they were released, but they were threatened and told not to speak about Jesus. The two went to their new church plant and told everyone one what had happened. The fellowship prayed. They chose not to worry and instead, they cast all of their anxieties on God. They released it all to God. You can read about this in Acts chapter three and four of God’s Word.
Look what happened when they released it to God. (Acts 4:31 NIV) "After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly."
When you release all of your difficulty to God through prayer, God shakes your house and you become bold for Jesus Christ.
Prayer changes us. As we pray and release our difficulty to God, we are changed. Depression leaves. Anxiety leaves. The result is a supernatural peace that passes all understanding. You may say, “I pray, but the depression and the anxiety stays and my situation does not change. What’s up with that?” You can pray without releasing your difficulty to God. If you leave your place of prayer with the same load you had when you went to pray, you have not released it over to God. Release it! God will take the load off of you and you will leave your place of prayer with the joy of the Lord. If you leave your place of prayer before releasing your cares and anxiety, you will leave your place of prayer unchanged. If you release it all to God, you will leave a changed person. God’s Word says (1 Peter 5:7 NIV) "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
Prayer is powerful. As you release your load to God, He will absolutely shake your house. Things in you will begin to shake, rattle and roll. What falls out of the shaking is all the stuff that is to no avail. The past is let go of, the present is placed in perspective and the future is realized. Anxiety and worries shake loose. Insecurities are rattled. Living water begins to roll through your being, washing and cleansing as it goes. You become revived as resurrection power overcomes your being. You are drawn close to God and begin to feel His sweet embrace. His supernatural peace is poured out on you.
Prayer makes us bold for Jesus. We leave our place of prayer revived and with a new boldness to continue the ministry of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. We have a fresh resolve. Our eyes are fixed on Jesus, the One we follow. Nothing is going to distract us as we turn our world upside down for Jesus Christ! The gates of hell may come against us, but we shall prevail! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Know that you are loved,
Greg Johnson
Founding Pastor
Loving God Fellowship
Loving God Fellowship is an interdenominational Christ following fellowship with a revolutionary new church plant in Salem, Oregon, and a worldwide Internet church community @ http://www.LGFinternetChurch.org .