Rejoice, Your King Comes To You!
Contributed by Timm Meyer on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: PALM SUNDAY(B) - Rejoice, your King comes to you with humility as a righteous King and with salvation as a powerful King.
ZECHARIAH 9:9-10 - March 20, 2005 - PALM SUNDAY
INTRO: There is a certain degree of excitement as one prepares for guests. Depending on the impor-tance or number of expected guests the preparations can consume much energy and time. When that guest or guests arrive there is often a celebration. On this Palm Sunday you and I are reminded of the celebration and rejoicing every believer enjoys at the arrival of Jesus, the King and expected guest. To-day we rejoice with the crowds who recognized Jesus as the Son of David…who comes in the name of the Lord! "Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready"(REVELATION 19:6b,7). As members of God’s church, his bride, we have made ourselves ready to come to hear God’s word and sing his praises in worship.
I. With humility as a righteous King, and
II. With salvation as a powerful King.
A. Zechariah came as God’s prophet when the children of Israel had been returned to Jerusalem.
1. Previously, God’s people were slaves and captives under the dominance of Babylon’s king.
2. They spent many desolate years away from their Promised Land longing to return.
B. In today’s text the people are back – but much has changed. Jerusalem and the temple lie in ruins.
1. The people began the task of rebuilding. It was a long, slow and very difficult process.
2. Zechariah came to encourage. Verse 9a. Rejoice – they were now free people once again!
C. They would see the fulfillment of God’s love for them as they would look beyond their daily despair.
1. Verse 9b describes the righteous King from God. Jesus was unlike any other earthly king.
2. Unlike any other earthly king, Jesus came in great humility riding on a donkey. Verse 9c.
D. Kings (monarchs, dictators) today do not cause reason for rejoicing. The opposite is often true in the fact that kings often take advantage of their subjects for as long as they can. BUT not our King. Christ as our King causes countless reasons to rejoice. "’The days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ’when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land’"(JEREMIAH 23:5). Christ, our King is just and right and rules wisely. Rejoice, your King comes!
E. We have heard that Christ our King is unlike any other king. As king of a divine kingdom Jesus had no use for any of the glory and trappings of an earthly kingdom. It is no wonder that Jesus arrives as a humble King. His birth in Bethlehem reminds us of this King’s very humble beginnings. When the dis-ciples were worried who was greater in God’s kingdom, Jesus reminded them of his mission. It is to be the same with us. All too often we might walk all over all kinds of people in our struggle to be successful or feel important. Or our feelings are hurt because we feel someone has done us some wrong, mistreated us or did not do what we wanted them to do. What does our King show us by example? "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many"(MARK 10:45).
F. Rejoice your king comes to you! Our King of kings and Lord of lords is truly unlike any other leader on this earth. Christ came for the specific purpose that mankind would be saved. Jesus came to make sure that all would be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus did this in a spirit of humility. It is this humility that provides mankind with the righteousness of Christ for eternal life. Our King has done it all! Our Savior-King does not demand more taxes. As King, Jesus does not place any undue burden upon his people. "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"(MATTHEW 11:29,30).
TRANS: REJOICE, YOUR KING COMES TO YOU with humility as a righteous King and
A. Remember the situation of the children of Israel. They were free but living in a ruined Jerusalem.
1. The rebuilding sometimes came to a halt. There were not as many people for work as before.
2. The walls of protection that once stood around Jerusalem were no longer there.