
Summary: The Lord is in our midst, here. Do not be afraid, do not fear.

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December 11, 2022 – Advent 3 – ZEPHANIAH 3:14-17

INTRO: Are you happy today? What about yesterday? Or tomorrow? Or the next few busy, busy weeks before Christmas? All too often the Christmas season seems to be anything but joyfulness. Our text today reminds us of the divine joy that is to fill our hearts. “For the kingdom of God does not consist of eating and drinking, but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (ROMANS 14:17). God’s kingdom is far more than tasty meals. Holiday drinks. God’s kingdom brings joy to our hearts and lives. “REJOICE WITH ALL YOUR HEART.” I. The LORD is here. II. Do not be afraid.


A. The Lord sent the prophet Zephaniah to warn his children about their continued disobedience.

1. At this time there had been two kingdoms. North = Israel. South = Judah.

2. Sadly, the northern kingdom of Israel no longer existed. They rejected God’s warnings.

3. The enemies of Israel conquered Israel. Killed many. Took others as prisoners, slaves.

B. Zephaniah now warned Judah to repent. The Lord was serious. Judgment coming (chapter 1).

1. Verse 14. Judah is encouraged to be joyful. “Sing out…shout aloud…be glad…rejoice.”

2. How could they rejoice when disaster was coming? The Lord wanted their attention.

C. Verse 15a. Earthly judgment was coming. The Lord would remove any eternal judgment.

1. Enemies were coming. The Lord would defeat their enemy. Eventually. Eternally.

2. How? “Israel’s king, the LORD, is in your midst!” The Lord would not forsake his children.

3. The future looked bleak. Death. Destruction. Captivity. BUT the LORD is still here!

D. The Lord’s presence could and would fill his people with hope. Peace. Joy. Even in the midst of unthinkable disaster. The Lord is in our midst. Here. Rejoice with all your heart. God’s good news is his great gospel message for us. For the world. No matter what we might face. Or have faced. The LORD is with us! This is the good news of great joy for us. “’Look, the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son. And they will name him Immanuel,’ which means, ‘God with us.’” (MATTHEW 1:23).

E. The Lord’s words from the prophet Zephaniah still speak loudly to us today. Our sins deserve the eternal judgment God. Hell. In his great love our heavenly Father sent his son to remove our judgment. Permanently. Eternally. The judgment our wickedness earned has been erased by the holy, precious blood of Jesus. Even more our enemies have been defeated. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus conquered our enemies. The devil is defeated. Our last enemy, death is destroyed. Our hearts are filled with peace. “I, yes, I, am he. I blot out your rebellious deeds for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins” (ISAIAH 43:25). It is only the LORD God of Armies who forgives…and forgets. Dear believer, do not hold any grudges. Forgive. Forget. Any evil done against you is in the past. Even any grievous sin. It serves no good purpose to hold on to anger. Revenge. Fill your heart with joy!

F. Dearest Christians all too many today do not follow Christ. Many chase earthly dreams. They are not fulfilling. The lives of people in this world remain empty. Empty of everything that matters. There is a sense of being alone, loneliness that has crept into society. Into hearts. Lives. The advent season points us toward the Lord Jesus Christ. His birth. Life. Death. Resurrection. God IS with us. "I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I am now living in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (GALATIANS 2:20). God is here. Not just among us. Christ lives in us. Jesus is THE One who died for us. “Immanuel” = God is with us.

“REJOICE WITH ALL YOUR HEART.” The LORD is in our midst. In us. Here in our hearts.


A. Zephaniah was God’s prophet while Josiah was king. Josiah was the best king Judah ever had.

1. Josiah had the temple rebuilt. God’s book of law was found. Read it to all the nation.

2. Verse 15b. Once again, reminded God was with them. “You no longer need to fear disaster.”

B. The disaster connected with God’s righteous judgment was going to come upon them.

1. Judah did not repent. Had not learned from disaster that had destroyed Israel earlier.

2. verse 16. “Do not be afraid, O Zion. Do not give up.” God would still be with them. No fear.

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