
Summary: Part 1 of a 3-part sermon. Prophets, with the bittersweet message of God, stand in need of re-connecting to their call. How does the prophet of God get back on task? 9 links to get us re-connected to our prophetic call.

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RE-CONNECTING TO THE CALL-I —Revelation 10:1-11

Re-commissioning the Prophet or Your


Ironically, our celebrations of Christmas may take us away from those things most important to God. We are pulled away from our moorings in Christ because our ’discipline schedules’ are off thrown off course.

We must get re-connected to God’s call.

God recommissioned John to proclaim a bittersweet message of God’s design for the last days.

Prophets, with the bittersweet message of God, stand in need of re-connecting to their call.

How does the prophet of God get re-connected to the task?

9 links of re-connection to our prophetic call.

‘Heaven’s’—All that pertains to the design of God & including all involved in it.

1—Your link to re-connect with God’s prophetic call is


—Explanation:(:1) Excellence/Exultation

:1—“And I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, clothed with a cloud; & the rainbow was upon his head, & his face was like the sun, & his feet like pillars of fire;”

“Another strong angel”—Last one so designated in Rev. 5:2—“And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the book & to break its seals?””

John obviously knew Jesus’ strength from similar descriptions so it can be deducted that these same characteristics made John aware that the endowed might of this angel was of tremendous importance to him as is Christ’s.

“Coming down out of heaven”—

“Clothed with a cloud”—

Dan. 7:13—““I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was presented before Him.”

Rev. 1:7—“Behold, He is coming with clouds, & every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.”

Ps. 97:2—“Clouds & thick darkness surround Him;...”

2Chr. 6:1—“Then Solomon said, “The LORD has said that He would dwell in the thick cloud.”

“The rainbow” upon his head—

“The” rainbow must refer to the same one of God Himself as He sits upon His throne in Rev. 4:3, where a rainbow encircles the throne.

This angel thus bears a direct reminder of God’s covenant to man as in Gen. 9:8-17.

God’s rainbow speaks of His mercy & grace in the midst of certain & sure judgment.

“Face like “the sun”—

Rev. 1:16—“And in His[the glorified Christ] right hand He held seven stars; & out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; & His face was like the sun shining in its strength.”

“Feet like pillars of fire”—

—May picture the pillar of fire by which God lead the Israelites thru the wilderness, protecting them, providing light & staying the hand of any who opposed them.

— “Fire”—unquenchable & “Pillars”—strong in support of God’s movement.

—Christ is likewise pictured in Rev. 1:15—“& His feet were like burnished bronze, when it has been caused to glow in a furnace, & His voice was like the sound of many waters.”


2Pet. 2:9-11—“then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, & to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment, & especially those who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires & despise authority. Daring, self-willed, they do not tremble when they revile angelic majesties, whereas angels who are greater in might & power do not bring a reviling judgment against them before the Lord.”

Jude 1:5,8—“Now I desire to remind you, though you know all things once for all, that the Lord, after saving a people out of the land of Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe.”....“Yet in the same manner these men, also by dreaming, defile the flesh, and reject authority, and revile angelic majesties.”


United States’ majesty/Justice-Strength-Boldness-Righteousness characterize her/HEAVEN’S MAJESTY


?You reconnected to your call thru he Link of HEAVEN’S MAJESTY?

?You Re-connected to your Prophetic Call?

2—Your link to re-connect with God’s prophetic call is


—Explanation:(:2a) Brevity

:2—“& he had in his hand a little book which was open....”

“Little book”—bibliaridion—A diminutive of the already diminutive biblion used in 5:1(7 sealed book). This is a portion(possibly the remaining portion) of the seven-sealed book!

Just a page/chapter in the overall story of God YET a necessary one.

Is your story short-lived? Then make the most of it!!

!Any ‘little’ thing in our eyes is a necessity in God’s eyes or He would not call you to it!


Eph. 5:15-16—“Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.”

Lk. 16:10—“He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.”

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