
Summary: The devil studies our nature and knows our weaknesses; he waits for the opportune time to tempt us when we're most vulnerable. Thank God that He is protecting us and shows us how to escape from the trap.

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Isa. 54:17



1. An evangelist, James Rowles, was invited to preach at a small rural church. However, the man who was to introduce him to the congregation had trouble pronouncing his name. So James offered this verbal clue: “Remember rolls, like hot buttered rolls.”

2. It worked. When it came time for the introduction, the man announced, “Our special guest today is Reverend James Biscuits.” [Ruth Rowles, Halifax, Virginia]


1. There was a U.S. ship captain who had a regular route from California to Columbia. He had delivered his shipment to Columbia and was about to embark for the U.S. when he was approached by the drug cartel. They wanted him to carry a small shipment of drugs to the U.S., where their people would clandestinely unload them.

2. They offered him $500,000 to do it. He said, “No.” On his next three trips to Columbia the cartel again approached him, offering him more & more money -- $1 million, $1.5 million, and then $2 million. At being offered $2 million, he told them “Maybe.”

3. He called the DEA in the U.S. and a sting operation was set up. The drug dealers were arrested. One of the DEA agents asked the captain, “Why did you wait until the offers got to $2 million before you called us? The captain replied, “Because they were getting close to my price!”


1. Today we’re looking at how temptation works and how to escape it.

2. The title is, “Recognizing the Temptation Trap.”



1. Like the Drug Cartel, Temptation knows when you’re susceptible and will relentlessly keep making offers to your soul, upping the ante, until it persuades you to give in. It would be hopeless if it weren’t for the promise from God of victory, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper” Isa. 54:17.

2. The word “formed” in that verse means “tailor-made;” it’s a personal word. So the weapons the enemy uses against us aren’t made on an assembly line in Hell, but they’re “custom-built” specifically for you and me. This is a warning. The enemy studies us, he knows our weaknesses, our hearts and our souls, and he engineers weapons made specifically to break down our defenses and overwhelm us.

3. For some it's fear, for others it’s loneliness, or greed, or desire to be rich, or it's lust for pornography. And here’s the bad news: Satan goes after your most vulnerable spots. Good news? “No weapon used against you shall prosper!” The Bible tells us how to win in spiritual warfare.

B. WHAT IS IT THE DEVIL KNOWS I WANT? KEY IDEA: in order for temptation to be a temptation, it has to attract me; it has to have something I want. EXPERTS IN STUDYING THE NATURE OF VICTIMS:

1. The Maori people of New Zealand were specialists in catching prey. They would study the habits of their prey, and based on this information, would design elaborate snares at their prey's most vulnerable time of day: when they were hungry and thirsty.

2. As a result, natural snares made out of such natural elements as strips from the leaflet mid rib of the Ti Kouka, could be found in various flowering trees. Other snares were set as perches for pigeons, right beside streams or pools. These birds, attracted by these comfy-looking devices, eagerly landed on them. However, they had to pass their head through a noose in order to drink, and you can already guess, this was the last time they ever got to put their beaks where they didn't belong! [Rob Chaffart]

3. TAILOR-MADE TEMPTATIONS. The devil had an apple for Eve, a grape for Noah, a wedge of gold for Achan, a change of raiment for Gehazi, a sack of silver for Judas, etc. Each temptation was tailor-made for the that specific person. It’s terrible to have such an informed foe, but we have a better-informed Savior! The good news is that the same presence and power of the Holy Spirit that enabled Jesus to resist temptation resides in every Christian.


1. A Puritan said, “If God were not my friend, Satan would not be my enemy.” The day we become a friend of God we became Satan’s enemy. Friends, when you became a Christian you were put on the ‘enemy list’ of Hell! And temptation will come your way.

2. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” 1 Pet. 5:8. Satan is described as a lion; he’s on a mission to destroy us. I don’t want to be the devil’s next meal! NOTICE THE HUNTING TECHNIQUES OF LIONS:

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