
Summary: A message about overcoming the lies that are in our everyday life. Seeing things though the right eyes.

Good Morning.

Please stand with me and hold up your Bible.

Say this with me.

This is my Bible

I am what it says I am.

I can do what it says I can do.

Today I will learn more of the Word of God.

The never ending, everlasting, Word of God.

I will never be the same.

I will never be the same.

In Jesus name.

"Recognizing and Resisting the Lies of the Enemy.

John 8:44 – “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

Today’s message is both a warning and an invitation.

In John 8:44, Jesus makes a bold declaration to people who resist the truth, calling out the devil as the father of lies.

He’s not just speaking about a long-ago group; He’s describing a constant spiritual reality that affects us all.

Jesus calls us to recognize the schemes of the enemy who tries to deceive us daily, to separate us from God’s love and distort our sense of self and purpose.

But, friends, Jesus didn’t only come to expose the lies of the enemy; He came to give us life and truth! When we open our hearts to Him, we receive the power to overcome deception and stand firm in the truth of God’s love, forgiveness, and calling for each of us.

1. Recognizing the Enemy’s Deception:

The devil is the master of subtle deception, and the lies he whispers are designed to strike at the heart of our faith, identity, and hope. These lies show up in statements like:

- “You’re unworthy; God could never love you.”

- “You’ll never change; your past defines you.”

- “Look at the pain and injustice in your life—God must have forgotten you.”

These lies sow seeds of fear, doubt, and despair, separating us from the truth of God’s grace.

Jesus warns us to be vigilant because the enemy will twist our circumstances and mislead our hearts. But recognizing these lies is the first step to breaking free from them. God’s truth stands firm: we are deeply loved, chosen, and called to live abundantly in Christ.

2. Embracing the Truth of Christ:

In contrast to the enemy, Jesus came as the ultimate expression of God’s truth and love.

John 14:6 reminds us: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Jesus doesn’t just speak truth; He *is* truth. He speaks words of life over us:

- “You are forgiven, cleansed, and renewed.”

- “You are a new creation in Me, and nothing can separate you from My love.”

- “Your life has meaning and purpose in My kingdom.”

The voice of Jesus counters every lie the enemy throws our way. When we accept His truth, we find freedom, love, and purpose that the enemy cannot take away. Embracing Christ’s truth means choosing to believe His promises, even when the enemy’s lies are loud.

3. Living in the Light of God’s Truth:

When we accept God’s truth, we’re invited into a transformative way of life. John 8:32 tells us, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Freedom in Christ means living above condemnation, beyond the mistakes of the past, and anchored in our identity as God’s children. We are not defined by our failures or struggles but by God’s love and grace.

Freedom comes from knowing His word.

It comes from having a relationship with Him continually.

It is not just on the day you go to church.

It is always.

Living in truth also calls us to guard our hearts and minds.

It means being mindful of what we allow into our thoughts, choosing to fill our lives with God’s Word, and spending time in His presence.

Through prayer and His Word, the Holy Spirit strengthens us to reject the lies and hold onto the promises that God has for us.

As we come to a close, I believe that God is calling us to a moment of renewal. Many of us may be carrying lies that the enemy has used to hold us back—lies that say we’re not enough, that God couldn’t possibly love us, or that change isn’t possible.

But today, Jesus invites us to surrender these lies, to bring our doubts, fears, and pain to Him, and to trade them for the truth of His love and forgiveness.

If you feel the Holy Spirit speaking to you today, if you’re ready to step out of fear, guilt, or shame, I invite you to come forward in a simple act of faith.

Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” As we pray together, let’s ask God to break every stronghold of deception and to fill us with His truth.

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