Rebuke Hirelings
Contributed by Nettie J Pennington on May 29, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: This message aims to proclaim that hirelings are not true shepherds.
Key Scripture: "The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it" (John 10:12, NIV).
PRAYER – Father God, we humble ourselves and come once again thanking you for your word and your warnings about hirelings. Lord, we believe those who rule over your house should be faithful and wise servants, willing and equipped to guard against false teachers and false doctrine. You said in your word that false prophets come in sheep's clothing and have no loyalty to the flock. Lord, Holy Spirit, thank you for continuing to counsel and guide us as we deal with false teachers in this present age. Lord, thank you for giving us leaders who hold to the pattern of sound teaching and speak the things consistent with sound doctrine. Lord, give me the words to communicate clearly and proclaim a message encouraging sound doctrine. May the words from my mouth be food for your people. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.
Lord, you said in your word, "The time is coming when people won't listen to good teaching. Instead, they will look for teachers who will please them by telling them only what they are itching to hear" (2 Tim. 4:3, CEV). We also understand that these words do not mean we should stop teaching. Instead of giving up sound teaching, we should be more zealous in teaching the Word of God. We understand that terrible times are coming, and scoffers will rise and try to convince others, even the elect, to follow them instead of the Lord. That time may already be here, given what is happening in this place and at this time.
Therefore, we must ensure our allegiance is to the one and only Lord who came to earth in a human body and lived a holy life among us before dying a criminal's death for our sins. We know Him, and we are sure that he is not following the desires of the flesh and serving as a hireling working consciously or unconsciously for the one cast down from heaven. Sometimes, we are ignorant of the facts, but whether knowingly or unknowingly, a hireling speaks heresy and manipulates the truth to suit personal needs for recognition and gain. We say this because you need to know that a hireling is a hired hand and will abandon the congregation at the first hint of trouble. He will not serve you or protect you to the end. Apostle John puts it this way: "The hired hand is not the shepherd, and the sheep are not his own. When he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf pounces on them and scatters the flock" (John 10:12, ESV). Those sent by God know their congregation and will not abandon them under physical danger or mental stress. The hireling has no concern for the sheep. However, there is another side to this ever-growing worldly situation in the church. We remind you that sometimes it is not the minister/pastor but the people who want a hireling. Never forget that some people only want to hear what makes them feel good, and if a pastor preaches about putting away sin, they do not want to listen to it. If possible, they will use fear tactics and bribes to force a pastor to embrace their philosophy if he wants to keep his job. In this age, boards filled with people who speak for those with itching ears hire pastors. The church's itching ear corner only wants positive, happy, and prosperous sermons, even though there are people in the congregation who need a message on how to discipline themselves, fight the good fight, and endure to the end. Preaching a sermon that teaches controlling the tongue, ending adulterous relationships, dressing appropriately, or giving up drugs and alcohol is not always pleasant or welcome.
We call on ministers to preach doctrine that exposes hirelings and their employers. Call out church leaders and congregants whose hearts long for a gospel void of substance. Call out those who lower their standards of morality to speak unpleasant things and prophesy illusions that deceive the elect and endanger souls. "For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naïve" (Rom. 16:18, ESV). Like Absalom, they set their minds on earthly things. He tried to impress and deceive the Israelites who came to the King for justice. With smooth talk, he stole their hearts. Be careful of hirelings. "They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their way; they seek their gain" (Isa. 56:11, NIV). Times have not changed. Evil still disguises itself and hides among us in sheep's clothing. Do not be like those who lack understanding. The Lord and the Holy Spirit reveal the mystery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Open your mind to the Spirit and challenge deceivers.
Closing Words: Please pray for leadership in the church. I pray the Lord will bless you and keep you from henceforth.