
Rebuilding From Ruins: A New Dawn

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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God promises to restore the fallen house of David, repairing its broken places and restoring its ruins. A new, stronger, and more powerful nation will emerge, marking the dawn of a new day.


The Book of Amos ends with a promise of restoration for the nation of Israel. Despite their disobedience and the judgment they faced, God assures them that He will not completely destroy the house of Jacob. Even in their captivity, God promises to save a remnant. To understand the reason for their judgment, we need to look back at what led up to it.

1. God Promises to Restore His People By Lifting Them Up (Amos 9:11)

God had cast down the nation of Israel, but He comes to lift them up. He is more interested in who they are than in what they do. They will start afresh, working as equals with no division of classes. The temple will be rebuilt, and authentic worship will be restored. No matter where we find ourselves, when we repent, we can expect God to lift us up!

2. God Promises to Restore His People By Fixing Them Up (Amos 9:11)

Sin, separation, and slavery have broken the nation of Israel. They have lost their joy, identity, and self-worth. But God promises to put them back together again. Jesus described the Father as a good shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine to seek and save the one that is lost. God knows how to mend our brokenness and fix us up.

3. God Promises to Restore His People By Giving Them Increase (Amos 9:12-13)

After restoring their relationship with Him, God will raise them up to their former glory and fix everything that has been broken. He will give them an effective witness that attracts the unsaved and uncommitted to Christ. He will make them productive workers and bring an abundant harvest for their labor. This text speaks of real prosperity, with more people than they can house, more land than they can cultivate, and a cycle of blessing that will not stop.

4. God Promises to Restore His People By Replanting and Maturing Them (Amos 9:14-15)

God will replant His people in their native soil, the land He had chosen for them while they were in Egypt. They will build cities, plant vineyards, and enjoy the fruit of their labor. God promises to restore them fully and plant them securely in their land. This promise finds its ultimate fulfillment in Christ Jesus, who completed the law and fulfilled all promises. Through Him, salvation and restoration are available to everyone.


Our lives can be restored through faith in Jesus Christ. Trust Him to save you and trust Him to restore you. Just as God restored Job in the Old Testament, He can and will restore you. When He does, you will be stronger and healthier than before. No matter where you are in life or ministry, do not give up. Remember God's promise of restoration. Our lives can and will be restored by the grace of God through faith because It’s not over yet.

Psalm 23:1-6 beautifully captures God's restorative power. The Lord is our shepherd, providing for our needs and leading us beside still waters. He restores our souls and guides us in righteousness. Even in the darkest valleys, we need not fear, for God is with us, comforting us. He prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies, anoints our heads with oil, and fills our cups to overflowing. Surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives, and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

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