
Real Promotion Comes From The Lord

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
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God's protection is unfailing, His deliverance is certain, and true promotion comes from Him.


Good morning, brothers and sisters! Today, we're going to take a deep dive into Daniel 3:15-30. You know, it's that famous passage about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego surviving the fiery furnace. It's a powerful message that reminds us that God's protection is unfailing, God's deliverance is certain, and real promotion comes from the Lord.

Pastor and author, Frederick Buechner once wrote, "If you have never known the power of God's love, then maybe it is because you have never asked to know it - I mean really asked, expecting an answer." And in the story of these three faithful men, we see this truth embodied.

I. God's Protection is Unfailing

God's protection is unfailing. This is a powerful truth that we see demonstrated time and time again throughout the Bible, and it's a truth that we see powerfully illustrated in the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These three men, when faced with the threat of a fiery death, stood firm in their faith and trusted in God's protection. And God, in His unfailing love and power, delivered them from the fiery furnace.

A. The first aspect of this idea that we need to explore is the nature of God's protection. God's protection is not a physical shield that prevents us from experiencing hardship or danger. Rather, it's a spiritual assurance that no matter what we go through, God is with us. He is our refuge and our fortress, our God in whom we trust. This is what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego understood. They knew that even if they were thrown into the fiery furnace, God would be with them. And because of that, they could face the furnace without fear.

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B. The second aspect of this idea is the certainty of God's protection. God's protection is not a maybe or a might. It's a definite, a certain. When we trust in God, we can be sure that He will protect us. This doesn't mean that we won't face trials or tribulations. In fact, Jesus Himself told us that in this world, we will have trouble. But He also promised that He has overcome the world. And so, even in the midst of trials and tribulations, we can be certain of God's protection.

C. The third aspect of this idea is the scope of God's protection. God's protection is not limited to certain situations or certain people. It extends to all who trust in Him. In the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we see that God's protection wasn't just for the three of them. It was a testimony to all who witnessed their deliverance. It was a demonstration of God's power and love, a reminder that His protection is available to all who trust in Him.

D. The fourth aspect of this idea is the result of God's protection. God's protection leads to deliverance and victory. In the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we see that their trust in God's protection led to their deliverance from the fiery furnace. But it also led to their promotion in the kingdom. Because of their faith and God's protection, they were promoted to higher positions in the kingdom. This is a reminder that when we trust in God's protection, we can expect not just deliverance, but victory and promotion.

II. God's Deliverance is Certain

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