
Ready Your Prayers

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Prayer is not the least we can do; prayer is the best we can do. Cultivate a devoted, alert, and thankful prayer life to experience God's power and presence.

Ready Your Prayers

Youth Group Plan: Ready Your Prayers (Colossians 4:2-3, Acts 12:1-12)

Youth Sermon: Ready Your Prayers


Today, we're going to talk about something super important in our lives as followers of Jesus - prayer. Prayer isn't just something we do when we're in trouble or need help; it's actually the best thing we can do in any situation. So, let's get ready to learn how to power up our prayer lives!

To help us remember the power of prayer, I've got this cool object lesson for us. Check out this battery-operated toy car. When the batteries are fresh, this car can zoom around like crazy. But when the batteries start to run out, the car slows down and eventually stops. Our prayer life is kind of like those batteries. When we're praying and connecting with God, we're charged up and ready to go. But when we stop praying, we can lose our power and connection with God.

Prayer isn't just something we do when we're in trouble or need help; it's actually the best thing we can do in any situation.

Bible Verses on Prayer

Now, let's look at some Bible verses that show us how to pray. First up, Colossians 4:2-3. In this passage, Paul tells us to be devoted to prayer, to keep an alert mind, and to have a thankful heart.

Remember the story in Acts 12:1-12 where Peter was in prison, and the church was praying for him non-stop? That's the kind of devotion we should have in our prayer lives. So, ask yourself: what's something in your life that you're praying for with that kind of devotion? God wants us to be close to Him, and prayer is one way we can do that.

Have you ever started praying and then suddenly realized you were daydreaming or even falling asleep? Yeah, me too. But Paul tells us to be watchful and alert when we pray. This means we should be focused and intentional in our conversations with God. Plus, when we're alert, we're more likely to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to us. Jesus said in John 16:13 that the Holy Spirit will guide us and speak to us!

Even when life gets tough, we should still be thankful in our prayers. Paul, who wrote Colossians while he was in prison, started his letter by giving thanks to God (Colossians 1:3). If he can be thankful in that situation, we can be too. Having a thankful heart helps us keep an eternal perspective and remember that God is always with us.


So, how can we apply all of this to our lives? This week, let's focus on one or two situations that we need to bring to God in prayer. Let's be devoted, alert, and thankful as we talk to Him. And remember, prayer isn't just something we do when we need help; it's the best thing we can do in any situation.

Closing Prayer

"God, thank You for always being there for us and for listening to our prayers. Help us to be devoted, alert, and thankful as we talk to You. Show us how to grow closer to You through prayer and to trust You with everything in our lives. Amen."

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What does it mean to be devoted to prayer?

2. How can we keep an alert mind while praying?

3. Why is having a thankful heart important in our prayer life?

4. Share a time when you experienced the power of prayer in your life.

5. How can we encourage each other to develop a stronger prayer life?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Prayer Scavenger Hunt

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