
Summary: We found out that things like lying, living together, stealing, murder, abortion, hatred, and all sorts of other things that the Bible condemns are all right for most people so long as they think it to be so. The Bible has taken a back seat to some ot

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Raising the Standard

Modified 1/7/08

James 1:12; I Corinthians 9:27 Monte T. Brown


Week before last we started our series of messages called Raising the Standard.

The first message was entitled What’s Your Standard.

We found out that things like lying, living together, stealing, murder, abortion, hatred, and all sorts of other things that the Bible condemns are all right for most people so long as they think it to be so.

The Bible has taken a back seat to some other standards.

You can call sin what you want to call it, renaming it does not change the fact that it is sin.

God’s Word certainly points out for us what sin is and names it clearly, but God’s Word also helps us to make right decisions about life.

God’s Word teaches us how to live our lives pleasing to God.

The problem is that there are so many accepted standards in our world today for making decisions and for deciding what is right and wrong that it is up to you to decide what standards you are going to follow.

We found out that there are basically, three standards that all of us face in our lives.

1. The Standard of Popular Opinion

The standard of popular opinion preaches to believers just go with the flow.

2. The Standard of Feeling and Emotion

The standard of feeling and emotion says; It just feels right!

3. The Standard of God’s Word

The standard of God’s Word is found in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,

Then Sunday night we found out how to Finding the Standard in a Nonstandard World.

We found that within the Ten Commandments. God’s Standards for a nonstandard world.

In every persons life there is always areas that could use improvement.

If we would just pause for a few moments and reflect upon our lives we would begin to see those areas that need improvement.

Those improvements come only when we are willing to Raise the Standard in our lives.

It doesn’t matter weather you’re a bookkeeper, carpenter, house- wife, lawyer, or doctor, all of us could make improvements in our lives.

Isn’t it so true that all of us could stand a little Raising the Standard in our lives, weather it is our loyalty, integrity, obedience, attitude, or our health?

So for the next several weeks we will be going through a series of messages entitled “Raising the Standard” in hopes of understanding God and what God really desires of us.

Last week we entered into our second week of our series of messages Raising the Standard our message was When We’re Tested.

We found out that in every person’s life there comes a time when we’re tested. We considering five steps of understanding concerning testing.

1. The Testing

2. Who Does the Testing?

3. Joy in the Midst of Testing.

4. Patience through the Testing

5. The Rewards

We are assured that when we come through the testing in our lives, we will receive the Crown of Life.


Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. 1 Corinthians 9:27



Castaway in the Greek is Ah-dock-qu-wass; which means something that has been thrown out because it doesn’t ring right.

As I’ve shared with you before there are seven sounds of counterfeit

1. Conversion without Change

Could it be that we have lowered the standards for church membership, by allowing individuals to join our churches with any conversion?

We need to Raise the Standard on sharing the gospel.

Do we promote church membership more than we do ‘Kingdom Membership”.

Unless we let people know that Kingdom Membership only comes by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We need to raise the standard on Kingdom Membership

2. Compassion Without Involvement

You can’t love someone without getting involved.

So how can we say we love our church when we are not involved:

We need to Raise the Standard on our involvement.

We need to Raise the Standard on our compassion.

When the church is hurting when they hurt and laugh when they laugh.

To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. 1 Corinthians 9:22

Weak in the Greek is Ass-stede’a it’s were we get our word Anesthesia, which means to render one powerless.

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