Raising Kingdom Kids
Contributed by Tommy Oliver on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A four point outlined sermon on the "how to" of childrens ministry & parenting
INTRODUCTION: It has been said that children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression. This is so true. It is also true that children can make a great impression on us if we allow them. If you have ever seen the show "Kids Say The Darndest Things" with Bill Cosby you know what I am talking about! Jesus spoke a lot about children and how we are to treat them as well as the lessons that we can learn from them. Isn’t it interesting that despite this in many churches children’s ministry is seen as the undesireable duty?
Transition: It has been said that children are the future of the church. As we study the Bible we find that children are a vital part of the church today. Ministry to children and parenthood comes from intentional decisions to raise kingdom kids in the following ways:
1. BRING them to Jesus Vs. 13a
The first thing tht we need to do in order to raise kingdom kids is to bring them to Jesus. It is not enough to just drop them off at church. Children need a touch from the Lord just like adults do. Notice that this was not optional.
2. Banish the too busy myth Vs. 13b-14a
The disciples did not seem interested in ministry to the children because they saw them as a bother and perhaps even insignifiicant. When I was a youth pastor I sometimes got in the flesh and longed to deliver sermons to adults because I thought they listened more. Was I ever wrong! We always find time to do the things that we really want to do. Bulding kingdom kids takes time. Jesus made time for them. Do you?
3. BECOME willing to learn from them Vs. 14b-15
Jesus says that the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like children. Some things that we can learn from children are:
A. faith- tell a child you have their nose and they will believe you even though they feel it on their face. Now thats faith!
B. Forgiveness- most children do not hold grudges like adults. They can be angry at you one day and be your best friend the next.
C. Humility- children are not afraid or too proud to ask for help.
D. Joyful- children express emotions of joy without worry of becoming undignified.
E. Repetative- love the same songs and movies over and over again. We need the same spirt and love for the things of God to hear them over and over again.
4. BLESS them with words and actions Vs. 16
The word "bless" means to speak well of. Jesus spoke well of the children. The blessing had an element of both present and future tenses. To say to a child negative things about people who they may become like in the future is damaging. we are snared by our words. The opposite of a blessing is a curse. Jesus in this verse also touched the children indicating that words mixed with practical expressions were acceptable. Whatever we do for little children we actually do for Jesus. What a great way to lay up eternal treasures!
Closing prayer & review.