
Summary: Look into the story of Rahab and notice the similarities to the life that we as Christians live today.

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Background: Back in Joshua chapter 1 we see that God has called Joshua to go and take the land of which God had promised him.

Life as a Christian can be messy and full of failures at every corner. In this mornings lesson we will encounter a woman named Rahab whose story may be a lot more similar to our story than what we realize.

Joshua 2:1

The Israelites are on the brink of the promise land and one of the first cities they are going to have to overcome is the city of Jericho. So Joshua knowing this is going to be a big battle sends in some spies before hand because he wants some Intel on the land they are going to. He wants to see exactly what they will be facing when they come into Jericho.

Its a major city. The city is know for its fortified walls and it military stationed there. The land of Jericho was approximately 7 miles from the Jordan river so Joshua sent these 2 spies who were told when they arrive they would stay in the house of this prostitute named Rehab. And I have no doubt that that was a good place to stay in this sense.

Strangers were able to come and go there very easily and many of them would not be noticed at all. Im sure there were many men going in and out of that house constantly because Rehab was a prostitute.

1. Take again notice of her name. I think this is a very intricate part of the story here.

In fact did you know that every time rehab is mention in scripture, she’s referred to as Rehab the prostitute. How would you like for people to remember you because of your sins that you have committed for your whole life. It wouldn’t be very flattering would it? How would you like to be remembered all time for that major mistake that you made or the major sin you committed?

Some people will try and make the argument that she was an innkeeper and not a prostitute but when you look in Hebrews 11:31 and James 2:25 both of them continue with her being a prostitute.

You may ask why and of this matters, but I truly believe that the reason that Rahab is continually mentioned as a prostitute is because God is making a point that he will use anyone who is willing to further his kingdom.

What is your name? Do you feel like your name isn’t good enough for God? Do you feel like your past sins and troubles have tainted your name and that God can’t use you anymore.

Did you know there are 4 different places between the book of Deuteronomy and Leviticus that condemn prostitution in the eyes of God and yet Rahab plays a significant part in the success of the Israelite nation in capturing the land of Canaan

So it is now easily seen that Rehab is not a woman of God and that she never grew up with God. But an interesting part of the story comes when we see what Rehabs response is to the spies when she realizes who they are.

Joshua 2:8-10

2. Notice here what we see out of the faith of Rahab.

Rehab recognizes that God is on the Israelite people’s side and that his power is strong enough to do everything. Because of this, even though Rehab was not a woman of faith initially, she has a fear for God.

It is also worth nothing that taking into consideration Rehabs occupation, she is probably much younger and many of the stories and events in the Israelite timeline is well before she was around. Due to this we see that her fear for God comes from the stories of the past of which she heard.

Did you know that Rahab is actually mentioned in the Hall of Faith. In hebrews 11:31 we see Rahab being commended for her faith and trust in God and it tells of how her faith is what actually delivered her.

How does that apply to us though? Is it not the same for us as Christians today. Our faith is based around the stories of scripture that has happened well before our time. We as Christians are called to have faith through those stories.

We all have a call to fear God even if we didn’t grow up with God.

3. As we progress through the story we see a plea from Rahab. With her acknowledgment of the power of God she pleads with the spies to save her and her family.

In verses 11-14 we see Rehab absolutely pleading for her life because she understands that God is going to help the Israelite army prevail and take down the city.

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