"you Are No Longer Foreigners And Strangers"
Contributed by Timm Meyer on Nov 7, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: We are built on Christ, the Cornerstone. We are joined together as God's holy temple.
May 7, 2023 – Easter 5 – EPHESIANS 2:19-22
INTRO.: Have you ever felt out of place? Like a stranger? Or foreigner? This can happen when one travels. Every state has their own unique characteristics. When visiting another state we do not know all of the local customs people follow. We are the foreigners. Strangers. To be a stranger in relation to God is far more serious. "...remember that at that time you were separated from Christ, excluded from the citizenship of Israel, and foreigners to the covenants of the promise. You were without hope and without God in the world” (EPHESIANS 2:12). “YOU ARE NO LONGER FOREIGNERS AND STRANGERS.” I. We are built on Christ, the Cornerstone. II. We are joined together as God’s holy temple.
A. Verse 19. At one time the Gentiles were without hope. Without God. Now, no longer.
1. Foreigners and strangers did not have any rights or privileges in other nations.
a. Abraham from Ur. b. Lived in Canaan as foreigner. c. No rights or privileges.
2. Ephesian believers now fellow citizens with believers in Christ + all believers everywhere.
3. More importantly, members together of God’s family. Jews and Gentiles = God’s children!
B. Jews and Gentiles did not get along. But now, by faith + God’s call, worshiped together as believers.
C. Verse 20. Christ was the Cornerstone for their faith. Their new-found unity as citizens. Children.
1. Cornerstone most important stone in any building. Buildings needed perfectly set cornerstone.
2. Christian church needed Christ as Cornerstone. Foundation was apostles and prophets.
a. Apostles = New Testament. c. Prophets = Old Testament. c. All of God’s Word.
D. Christ is still our Cornerstone today. As we study God’s Word, we note how the Lord Jesus speaks about the church built on the only Cornerstone, himself, the Christ. Important to remember Jesus directs our attention to the living Cornerstone. We do not think of stones as living. A cornerstone is solid. It is often immoveable. Such is Christ. The Cornerstone of every true church. Solidly strong. Steadfast. Immoveable. Alive. “Therefore, this is what the LORD God says: Look, I am laying a stone in Zion as a foundation, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone to provide a sure foundation. Whoever believes will not be put to shame” (ISAIAH 28:16). Stone in Zion is the Cornerstone in the holy, Christian Church.
E. Jesus pointed to himself as the living Cornerstone. We cannot help but think of Jesus’ parable teaching the difference between a wise and foolish builder. The foolish builder builds his house on sand. Not good. Or wise. "Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on bedrock. The rain came down, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not fall, because it was founded on bedrock" (MATTHEW 7:24, 25). The storms of this life beat against us. The winds of adversity blow against us. The waters of troubles, trials, and temptations flood our lives. We may even feel like we are drowning. We hear God’s Word. Our house is built on the Cornerstone. Christ. We do not fall. We are no longer foreigners or strangers to God’s love. Strength.
F. Stones that live is not a common comparison. Jesus used this contrast to help us understand his grace. By ourselves we are lifeless. Dead. With Christ we are living. Spirit-filled. Living stones are important. The disciples struggled to understand. They praised the majestic stones of the temple in Jerusalem. Jesus taught that the temple would be destroyed. Three days he would restore it. Told them he was speaking about his body. Living stones. “…you also, like living stones, are being built as a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, in order to bring spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" (1 PETER 2:5). Through Christ alone, his blood, we are made acceptable before God.
“SALVATION COMES FROM OUR GOD.” The Redeemer-Lamb died and rose to save mankind.
A. Verse 20. Believers’ faith built on Christ, Cornerstone. All of God’s Word = foundation.
B. Verse 21. One does not stop building after precisely positioning a cornerstone.
1. Following the placement of a cornerstone comes the foundation. Building continues.
2. In Christ the living stones of the building are united. Joined together.
a. Early church struggled. b. Different backgrounds. c. Christ united them.
3. Living stones now united. Now growing into a living temple. Holy to/in the Lord.
C. Verse 22. Reminded early believers that no matter their background all now built together.
1. The holy temples, the dwelling place for God was a work in progress. Growing in faith.