
Summary: "The World’s Smallest but largest Troublemaker." James 3 verses 1-11 – sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

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(1). Instruction (vs 1-2).

(2). Explanation (vs 3-5).

(3). Illustrations (vs 3-5).

(4). Application (vs 6).

(5). Clarification (vs 7-12).



• Did you know that the average person spends one-fifth of his or her life talking?

• That’s what the statistics say.

• If all of our words were put into print,

• The result would be this:

• A single day’s words would fill a 50-page book,

• While in a year’s time,

• The average person’s words would fill 132 books of 200 pages each!


• Never underestimate the power of words:

• A judge speaks, and a man is condemned or set free.

• A physician speaks, and a person has surgery, or he goes home from the hospital.

• A government official speaks, and millions of dollars can be spent or withheld.

• A preacher speaks and an individual can move from spiritual death to life!

• Never underestimate the power of words:


• In our own personal lives, we know the power of words.

• Words that can bless us and build us up and words that can cut us and knock us down.

• The apostle James in this chapter (#3) is dealing with the tongue,

• And therefore, the power of what we say!


• The tongue is only a muscle in our bodies,

• Medically the tongue is a mass of muscles covered by a mucous membrane,

• It is made up of nerves that enables us to chew, taste, swallow food and articulate words.

• But…

• Redefined it is a beast, a mighty midget!

The Bible says this concerning the tongue:

• It frames deceit (Psalm 50 verse 59).

• It devises destruction (Psalm 52 verse 2).

• It devours (Psalm 52 verse 4).

• It is a sharp sword: Psalm 57 verse 4.

• It breaks bones (Proverbs 25 verse 15).

• It backbites (Proverbs 25 verse23).

• It flatters (Proverbs 28 verse 23).

• It poisons (Romans 3 verse 13).

• Now that my friends, is quite destructive for a piece of protein!

• For a slab of muscle!


• Now obviously the Bible is not talking about a piece of protein or a slab of muscle!

• When referring to the tongue.

• Jesus himself unmasks the real culprit that controls the tongue,

• (Matthew chapter 15 verses 10-11).

"Jesus called the crowd to him and said, ‘Listen and understand. What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.’".

The tongue is neither friend nor foe:

• It is merely a messenger that delivers the dictates of a desperately sick heart.

• So, each time the apostle James uses the word 'tongue' in this chapter,

• We could easily substitute the word 'heart'.

(1). Instruction (vs 1-2).

“Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.”

• The chapter starts with a surprising command regarding teachers & preachers,

• He is warning those who teach and preach to be careful,

• To weigh carefully the cost of that ministry.

• The apostle James reminds us that,

• Teachers and preachers will be judged more strictly than other believers.

• The reason being they are responsible for teaching God's truth.

• As a preacher/teacher I am not here to peddle my own opinions or prejudices.

• I am here to share the Word of God!


• A bank robber was caught, arrested and had his day in court,

• The judge asked him, “Why do you rob banks?”

• His reply was simple and straight to the point, “Because that is where the money is!”

• TRANSITION: Why as a preacher do I reach and preach the Bible,

• Because that is where the life is, the truth is!

• As a preacher/teacher I am not here to peddle my own opinions or prejudices.

• I am here to share the Word of God!

• And to point out and explain what it says.

(2). Explanation (vs 2).

“We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.”

• The reason a teacher/preacher is held more accountable than other believers is,

• The words that a teacher/preacher speaks or sows, will affect many lives.


• Whenever I preach & teach, I am not giving a lecture.

• Question: Do you know the definition of a lecture?

“Lecture: An art of transferring information from the notes of the lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through the minds of either.”

• A lecturer is informing the mind,

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