
Summary: Charles Dickens, the renowned English poet and novelist of the nineteenth century, he once spoke much truth when he said: “We are living in the best of times and we are living in the worst of times!”

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Charles Dickens, the renowned English poet and novelist of the nineteenth century, he once spoke much truth when he said: “We are living in the best of times and we are living in the worst of times!”

All of us today will agree that these are in fact “THE BEST OF TIMES!” For when we look and observe how far the Lord has brought us as a nation of people, who could not say and tell the truth that these are "THE BEST OF TIMES?”

From the standpoint of “SCIENCE,” these are "THE BEST OF TIMES!” When we look at the marvelous advancements made by science, and the magnificent feat of being able to send a man to the moon and bring him back to earth safely, “SCIENTIFICALLY SPEAKING” we must admit that these are "THE BEST OF TIMES!”

From the standpoint of “MEDICINE,” these are "THE BEST OF TIMES!” Surgical procedures which at one time took hours to perform and the recovery process which once took months to complete, now because of a technique called “LAPROSCOPIC” or “LASER SURGERY,” we are in and out of the hospital in only a matter of days! “MEDICALLY SPEAKING,” these are "THE BEST OF TIMES!”

From the standpoint of “EDUCATION,” these are "THE BEST OF TIMES!” We are living in an age and in an era where the internet has allowed us to obtain and access more information in the last decade than perhaps was received in the first 16 or 17 centuries! “EDUCATIONALLY SPEAKING,” these are "THE BEST OF TIMES!”

“MATERIALLY SPEAKING,” these are "THE BEST OF TIMES!” Many of our great-grandparents would die from shock and amazement if they could return and see how we live, where we live, and the abundance of material empowerment we have acquired in 2020!

But somehow there is a great paradox. Because even though the times in which we live are “THE BEST OF TIMES,” these are also “THE WORST OF TIMES!”

When we look at the plight of economic disparity along with the absence of ethical and spiritual values; when we observe the carjacking and massive gun violence which permeates our neighborhoods, we must admit and concur with the fact that these are "THE WORST OF TIMES!”

When we look at the spreading of social conflict, dysfunctional families and the collapsing of the infrastructure within our own homes and communities, you will have to admit that these are "THE WORST OF TIMES!”

It becomes rather apparent, that mankind with all of his intellectual preparedness, his accomplishments and advances in the field of high technology, it is obvious that man is having great difficulty managing his own affairs! He is not able in spite of his knowledge to produce a humane and responsible society!

And this brings us to our text in Ephesians Chapter 2 verses 1 through 10. There are three things found in this pericope of scriptures I would like to emphasize that will give us a vivid portrayal of the “WORST OF TIMES!” But at the same time they give us a godly illustration of the “BEST OF TIMES!”

I want us to look at:

1) The Reality of Our Predicament

2) The Reasons for Our Predicament

3) The Reversal of Our Predicament

Paul begins this second chapter, explaining to us just how bad mankind is without Jesus Christ! There is a “PESSIMISTIC WORD” about man, but there is an “OPTIMISTIC WORD” about God! And as we examine these verses carefully, we will discover what man is by “NATURE” and what man can become by “GRACE!”

In verse number 1 of Ephesians 2, the Bible says: “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins...”

The Reality of Our Predicament:

Notice if you will the language that the apostle employs in this verse. Paul is speaking to “BELIEVERS” and to those who have established a saving relationship with Jesus Christ! But his language is in the “PAST TENSE” because he says, “You ‘WERE’ dead in trespasses and sins...”

The reality of the human condition is that mankind without Christ is “DEAD IN SIN” and in trespasses! Mankind without Christ is “DEAD TO GOD” and “DEAD TO THE SPIRITUAL THINGS THAT PERTAIN TO GOD!” It does not matter about your “social standing,” your “academic exposure," or your “scholastic achievements." Without Christ, all of mankind is “DEAD IN SIN!”

The irony of life is that the only time a person recognizes they were “SPIRITUALLY DEAD” is after they have become “SPIRITUALLY ALIVE” in Christ! In other words, “DEAD FOLK DON’T KNOW THEY ARE DEAD!” You cannot understand this idea of “SPIRITUAL DEADNESS” until you have been “MADE ALIVE” by the power of the Holy Spirit! Once you come to know Jesus, then you can look back over your life and see how different you are “NOW” than you were when you were without God!

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