
Summary: Series on the Sermon on the Mount

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Title: “Oaths, Eyes & Cheeks, and Enemies” Script: Mt. 5:33ff

Type: Expository Series Where: GNBC 3-2-25

Intro: The children’s song: “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes” was documented as early 1912. It has been sung in nearly every country of the world, although the tune for the lyrics is different, depending on the country. Regardless, children from the US to The Czech Republic, from South Korea to Great Britain, have learned the names of various body parts by singing this simple song. Well, this morning I will be once again preaching from a section of the greatest sermon ever preached. And, I am not sure I can put the title of my sermon to the tune of that famous children’s song, it certainly seems like it could be! Oaths and Eyes, Cheeks and Enemies. Somehow it just doesn’t have the same ring does it? However, it is just as universally applicable as the song, and definitely more important for one’s spiritual life.

Prop: Examining Mt. 5:33ff we’ll notice a few more areas in which the Christian is to display different behavior than that of his non-Christian counterpart.

BG: 1. SOM Mt. 5-7. Longest recorded unbroken section of Jesus’ teaching in the Bible.

2. SOM is about living as “Kingdom People” in Christ’s kingdom.

Prop: Follow w/me in Mt. 5:33ff as we notice a few more ways in which a Christian’s character should be different from those in the world.

I. Kingdom People: Oaths. V, 33-37

A. Jesus Declares that His Follows are to Live Differently than the world in Relation to Promises.

1. Jesus demonstrates the deceptive practiced by the Jews of His day.

a. We see in this passage that Jesus is speaking about “oaths and vows”. These are in fact two distinctly different items and not simply two words for the same item. An oath was concerned with one’s future actions. A vow related to objects and their use. Lev. 19:12 declared that in swearing an oath, the individual was not to use the name of the Lord falsely. Now, on that basis, the Jews developed a “Theology of Oaths” or better yet, a “Theology of Lies” so they could get out of fulfilling their oaths and vows!

b. Illust: Now, before we seem to come down too hard on the Jews, people the world over make allowances so they do not have to tell the truth or keep their promises. From the time we are children we have learned that whatever we say is negated by our hand hidden behind our back and crossing our fingers! (Think of the power in those 2 fingers! Or, maybe the power to dissolve a promise is behind the back!) In Medieval times crossed fingers began to be used to invalidate oaths.

2. What is Jesus saying here about our relation to oaths and vows?

a. V.34 – “Do not swear at all.” At 1st glance it seems like Christ is making a sweeping prohibition against any and all oath taking. Many Christians feel like this verse strictly prohibits swearing an oath in a court of law, so they “affirm” that their ensuing testimony will be truthful! Isn’t that the same thing??? It’s essentially saying: “Now I am really going to be honest..” Which implies what? 😊

b. Most likely, this is not what Jesus was addressing here in this passage. Why do I say this? Because during His own trial Jesus, although He had remained silent under questioning, responded to the high priest when he charged Christ with the following oath: “63 But Jesus remained silent. The high priest said to him, “I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.” “You have said so,” Jesus replied.” (Mt. 26:63-64).

B. Jesus is Teaching that Kingdom People are to Be Marked by Honesty.

1. Jesus condemns the Jews’ Behavior on 2 Specific Grounds.

a. It is utter hypocrisy! The Jews would swear by degrees so as to make their vows or oaths more serious. Here Jesus relates this: Heaven, earth, Jerusalem (Temple and gold in the temple!). So, essentially, by swearing by one of these items perceived a greater binding nature to the promise made. Jesus says that this is utter hypocrisy. Why would you swear by Heaven since it is God’s throne? Why would you swear by earth since it is God’s footstool? Why would you swear by Jerusalem since it is the city of the eternal King? In other words, God is everywhere and sees everything and hears everything. (Illust: We do the same: “I swear on my mother’s grave!” “I swear on a stack of Bibles.” “I swear to…” -When I hear those phrases used I am less inclined to believe the person, not more.

b. 2nd Jesus condemns this speech as being rooted in dishonesty. Making or taking an oath gave the appearance of a deep seated and serious commitment. What was made out to be a pious promise was nothing more than rank deception and a duplicitous heart.

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