
Summary: The Lord is always awake, alert. The Lord is always watching, watchful.

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January 1, 2023 – Name of Jesus – PSALM 121

INTRO: We are standing on the verge of the start of an exciting new year. We forward to days and years ahead because of the promises of our loving, heavenly Father. Now the world is quite different. There are already predictions will be worse than 2022, a very bad year. Was it really that bad? Will the next year be worse? As children of the Lord God, we listen to him. “So then we say with confidence: The Lord is my helper, and I will not be afraid. What will man do to me?” (HEBREWS 13:6). “MY HELP COMES FROM THE LORD.” I. The Lord is always awake. II. The Lord is always watching.


A. Psalm 121 is a song of ascents. Ascent = go up. Pilgrim worshippers ascended steps to Jerusalem.

1. Verse 1. “I lift up my eyes to the mountains.” Temples of false gods were in the high places.

2. Mountains also contained dangers. Hiding place for robbers. Wild animals.

3. Scanned the area asking a question. “Where does my help come from?”

B. Verse 2. Answer known: “My help comes from the Lord.” The Lord = “Maker of heaven and earth.”

C. Verse 3. The Lord guided the footsteps of his children always. The Lord “will not slumber.”

1. Verse 4. So important repeats. Yes, the Lord “will not slumber. He will not sleep.”

2. The Lord God of Armies is always awake. Always alert. Never slumbers or sleeps.

3. The Lord does not need sleep. People are made to work. Get tired. Sleep.

D. Biblical authors, inspired by God, always clearly defined who really was the Lord. In this Psalm today the writer calls the Lord “the Maker of heaven and earth.” It is important for us also to help others discover the real identity about our loving, heavenly Father. Creator of all things. As creator the Lord is alert to the needs of his creation. God’s alertness reminds us to be alert to the dangers in our lives. Alert to the temptations from our enemy. “Have sound judgment. Be alert because your enemy, the Devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (1 PETER 5:8). It is Satan who manipulates the evil in this world to serve him. He makes use of wicked people to carry out his devilish desires. “Have sound judgment. Be alert…” Attractions of this world can be distractions.

E. it is not always easy to be alert. Not slumber. In our Christian walk we want to be awake. To be awake we need to know what’s God’s will is for us. For our lives. For our eternal welfare. We learn of God’s purpose for us in his word. When we look to the Lord, his Word, our spiritual wisdom increases. Is on high alert. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” (PROVERBS 3:5, 6). The Lord provides straight path in our lives. His truth is the straight and narrow path that leads us to eternity. Our perfect, eternal life is freely provided for us by Jesus’ precious blood. Our Savior. World’s Savior.

F. The Lord, Creator of heaven and earth is always awake. Our loving, heavenly Father is always alert to all of our needs. We are blessed in America. Over-blessed. We are free to worship when we want. Where we want. We can freely read our Bibles. But this is not the case in many other countries. There are believers throughout the world persecuted for following Jesus. Their lives are in danger. Still, they remain faithful. Even unto death. “At every opportunity, pray in the Spirit with every kind of prayer and petition. Stay alert for the same reason, always persevering in your intercession for all the saints”. We can start a new, good habit of praying for persecuted believers. Pray for strength. Deliverance. Protection.

“MY HELP COMES FROM THE LORD.” The Lord is always awake. Always alert.


A. Verses 3b, 4a. The Lord who does not slumber “watches over you…watches over Israel”.

1. Verse 5. “The Lord watches over you.” Repeated again. Emphasized God’s great love.

2. The Lord is awake, alert, and attentive to all his creation. Shades from harm and danger.

B. Verse 6. The Lord provides protection from the sun. Shade. Wisdom to find cover from sun’s rays.

1. Think of Jonah. Lord provided plant as shade. Plant destroyed by a worm. Shade gone.

2. Jonah was angry. The Lord taught him peoples’ souls far more important than plant/shade.

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