
Summary: In politics, especially with an incoming election, politicians typically secure several key things to ensure their success:

I. Introduction -

Here are some things we often strive to secure in life:

1. Financial Security

2. Good Health

3. Loving Relationships

4. 4. Personal Safety

5. 5. Education

6. 6. Home

7. 7. Food

8. 8. Purpose

9. 9. Community

10. 10. Legacy

In politics, especially with an incoming election, politicians typically secure several key things to ensure their success:

1. Personal Security 2. Votes and Supporters 3. Financial Backing 4. Media Coverage 5. Strategic Alliances 6. Public Trust

II. The Importance of Assurance (2 Peter 1:10a)

Securing these elements is extremely important to politicians, as it can make or break their election campaign. I'd rate the importance level as: 9.5/10 Politicians prioritize these elements because they directly impact their ability to: - Win elections - Maintain power and influence - Advance their policies and agendas - Build and maintain a positive public image

- Explain the phrase "make your calling and election sure"

- Discuss the importance of assurance of salvation in the Christian life

Here are some biblical examples of individuals who struggled with assurance:

1. David (Psalm 51): After his sin with Bathsheba, David struggled with feelings of guilt and uncertainty about his relationship with God. In Psalm 51, he cries out to God for mercy and restoration.

1. Paul (Romans 7): In Romans 7, Paul describes his own struggle with sin and doubt. He writes about the conflict between his desire to do good and his tendency to sin, leaving him feeling frustrated and uncertain.

1. Job: Job's story is a classic example of struggling with assurance. Despite being a righteous man, Job faced intense suffering and questioning from his friends, leading him to doubt God's goodness and his own standing before Him.

III. The Basis of Assurance (2 Peter 1:3-9)

- Discuss the basis of our assurance, which is our faith in Jesus Christ

1. Faith in Jesus' finished work: Our assurance is based on Jesus' completed work on the cross, where He paid the penalty for our sins (Romans 5:8, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

2. Faith in Jesus' power: Jesus has the power to save and keep us secure (John 10:28-30, Hebrews 7:25). Our assurance is based on His power.

Rooted in Christ's Work on the Cross:

1. Redemption: Jesus' death on the cross redeemed us from sin and its consequences (Romans 3:24, Ephesians 1:7).

2. Justification: Jesus' sacrifice justified us before God, declaring us righteous (Romans 3:24-25, 5:1).

3. Reconciliation: Jesus' death reconciled us to God, restoring our relationship (Romans 5:10-11, 2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

4. Victory over sin and death: Jesus' resurrection gives us victory over sin and death (1 Corinthians 15:55-57, Romans 6:9-10).

IV. The Practice of Assurance (2 Peter 1:5-7)

Cultivating spiritual growth and maturity is crucial for:

1. Deepening relationship with God

2. Equipping for life's challenges

3. Developing fruit of the Spirit

4. Increasing faith and trust

5. Enhancing ministry and service

6. Preparing for eternal life

By prioritizing spiritual growth and maturity, we can:

- Know God better

- Face challenges with confidence

- Demonstrate Christ-like character

- Serve others effectively

- Prepare for eternity

Key Bible verse: 2 Peter 3:18 - "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

V. Conclusion

The Story of the Ten Virgins Once upon a time, there were ten virgins who were waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom. Five of the virgins were wise and prepared, filling their lamps with oil and keeping them burning bright. The other five virgins were foolish and unprepared, not bothering to fill their lamps with oil. As the night wore on, the bridegroom delayed his arrival, and the foolish virgins began to nod off to sleep. But the wise virgins remained vigilant, keeping their lamps burning bright. When the bridegroom finally arrived, the wise virgins were ready, and they went in to the wedding feast with him. But the foolish virgins were left outside, begging to be let in. This story illustrates the importance of being prepared and making our calling and election sure. The wise virgins represent those who are diligent in their faith, preparing themselves for the Lord's return. The foolish virgins represent those who are complacent and unprepared. Let us strive to be like the wise virgins, keeping our lamps burning bright and being prepared for the Lord's return. By making our calling and election sure, we can have confidence in our salvation and be ready to meet the Lord whenever He comes.

Here are some lessons from the story of the Ten Virgins:

1. Be Prepared: The story emphasizes the importance of being prepared for the Lord's return. We must be diligent in our faith, preparing ourselves spiritually and morally.

1. Vigilance is Key: The wise virgins remained vigilant, keeping their lamps burning bright. This teaches us to be watchful and alert, ready for the Lord's return at any moment.

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