
Summary: Series on the life of ELijah

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Title: “Learning Lessons of Faith in Times of Trouble” Script: I Ki. 17:17-24

Type: Expository Series Where: GNBC 10-22-23

Intro: The one commonality in everyone’s life is: suffering. This past week the world was shocked to learn of the bombing of the Al-Alhi Baptist Hospital in Gaza. Immediately after the tragedy everyone was quick to point fingers at the other side. Hamas claimed IDF. The IDF claimed Islamic Jihad. Who knows the truth? Again, this past week, two Christian churches, one having served the community for 1000 years were destroyed by bombings with hundreds of Christians killed while seeking sanctuary. Again, each side blamed the other. In war, both sides are liars when it is convenient. I do know two things. 1. There is a special place in hell reserved for people who perform such tragedies. 2. There are now thousands more grieving individuals in this insane conflict. Trauma, trouble, and tragedy! Does God have an answer? Absolutely yes! But in the midst of the tragedy we must demonstrate faith.

Prop: In I Ki. 17:17ff a terrible tragedy will afford opportunity to learn lessons in faith.

BG: 1. Lot of time and material overlaps b/t I&II Ki, II Sam, I&II Chron.

2. I believe this is the first time in the Bible where recorded the raising of a dead person to life.

3. Troubles and traumatic disruptions in our lives afford us opportunity to learn lessons in faith.

Prop: Let’s look to I Ki.17 as we attempt to learn how to live out our faith in times of trouble.

I. Trouble Comes to the Widow of Zarephath v. 17

A. Catastrophe Strikes the Widow after the Time of God’s Miraculous Provision.

1. Troubles befall every individual under the sun.

a. Illust: I have known all sorts of people in my lifetime. I have known a lot of very wealthy people. I have known a lot of very poor people. I have known black people and white people and all the other colors by which we designate people ethnically. I have known highly educated and illiterate individuals. I have known very physically strong as well as physically disabled. You know what they all had in common? They all had troubles. No one is immune.

b. I suppose that may have been most troubling to the widow of Zarephath. As we saw last week, God had shown Himself powerful in preserving her and her son’s life through an awful drought and famine. Her flour and oil had been miraculously sustained through this crisis as she rejected her personal fear and put God first by agreeing to house and feed the Elijah! God had in her mind rewarded her obedience by allowing her to survive this potential devastating condition. Now, however, after having gone through that whole ordeal (Look at v. 17 – “after these things…”) that life takes a terrible turn. Illust: in 2014 Afghan War veteran, Francisco Garcia had safely returned home from tour of duty. Went to girlfriend’s for a welcome home party. Walking home a couple blocks after the party’s conclusion, a car pulled up alongside Garcia, and 18 yrs. old Vincent Estrada shot killed Garcia. "The ironies are obvious," said LAPD Lt. Paul Vernon in a statement. "To survive as a soldier in an overseas conflict, only to be killed in your old neighborhood upon your return." Certainly the widow did not appreciate the irony of her situation.

2. The Widow’s Precious Son’s Life is Taken from him.

a. The widow’s son becomes sick, it is so serious that sadly he dies. Now think, this was the son that originally the widow was going to cook final meal for when the prophet asked that he be fed first. V.13 (READ) She had been asked to put Elijah’s needs first. To trust God first. She had done that and now her reward is this! Her son makes it through the famine only to die in time of plenty!

b. Troubles and sufferings affect us all…or they certainly should! Especially in the body of Christ, the Church! We are to bear one another’s burdens. No greater burden asked to bear than the death of a loved one. In the past few months several in this church have lost loved ones. Funeral is over. Loved ones have returned. Life is lonely. Need support and love today.

B. It’s Important to Remember that In This World We Never Fully Pass the Test or Fully Finish Our Lessons in Faith in Times of Trouble.

1. As Christians we need to Remember that this World is Neither Eden for the Millennium.

a. If we are to learn a lesson from this passage it is that we should never expect that life in a fallen world can give us what it was never designed to give us. The world is fallen. Sin has left its curse. Sickness, death, and disease are the norm. Satan is active. The very earth groans under the curse of sin (Rom. 8:18-22). This is not our eternity. God desires that we long for Him and His presence in eternity.

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