
Summary: The Faithfulness of God...can become reality as a fruit of the Spirit in our lives if we keep in step with His Spirit. Illustration. Hosea demonstrated God's faithfulness. Abraham, Joseph, David experienced Gods' faithfulness. Faithfulness is a character trait that can grow.

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In Jesus Holy Name October 17, 2021

Text: Galatians 5:22-23

“God is Faithful” 4th in the series

Let me tell you a true but sad story about faithfulness. His name is not important at the moment. He fell in love with a beautiful girl. They got married. He was a farmer. They worked together, plowing and harvesting. In time she had a son. They loved their son. But in time the wife tired of the isolated country living, hard work and she felt she was missing something in life.

Their story is like the old country western song. By Kenny Rogers “ You’ve painted your lips and rolled up your tinted hair. Ruby are you going somewhere? …Ruby, don’t take your love to town. Oh, Ruby, don’t take your love to town.” But she did. Eventually she came home. She was pregnant. She had another son. He loved that son too, even though he was never sure that the child was his own. To him, it was hard but he had made a promise to be a faithful father and husband.

For a while all went well. Life began to have some normalcy. Soon, his wife felt she was missing the excitement of the city life. She left him with two sons. She left on a bus to the city where she grew up. In between work and caring for his sons… he tried to find her. Eventually, through networking he found his wife and brought her home. He found her living with another man. The poverty of the house was unbelievable. He rescues her again and begs her to come home. She did, but she was pregnant again.

She was faithless to their promises, but somehow he managed to forgive and remain faithful. That my friends is an example of faithfulness. A sad and painful story. But when the Holy Spirit flows strongly through your heart and mind, faithfulness to God’s values will be displayed in your life.

I think you know the man’s name. His name is Hosea. Hosea lived his life as a prophet demonstrating the pain of rejection, constantly loving his wife who could not give up prostitution. He was living out God’s faithfulness to His bride the children of Israel, who constantly ran off to worship other gods. God was faithful.

The Apostle John reminds us that God is love. Jesus said: “If you love me you

will obey my commands.”

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson remarked that the hardest verse in the Bible to believe is

Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” “If you can believe that you won’t have any trouble with the rest of the Bible.” The Bible simply declares that God is, and that He created all things. More than thirty- years ago Dr. E. V. Hill preached a powerful sermon at a Promise Keepers gathering in Chicago. In his own unforgettable style, he preached for 40 minutes on just two words: “God is.” He said it over and over again. God is . God is faithful to His promises. His promises began in the Garden of Eden to Adam and Eve.

God was faithful to His promise to Adam and Eve that a Savior would come. God was faithful to Abraham and Sarah. For a time…they lost trust in the promise of God. Their human nature was not patient. And now at the age of 100 and 95 God remembered His promise, even though they had been faithless and not patient. A son was born 25 years after God’s first promise to Abraham and Sarah. God had a long term plan.

Over the past several weeks our Thursday morning bible class has been reading the story of Joseph’s. You may remember that his father Jacob gave him a multi colored coat. It was obvious to his brothers that he was a favorite. Out of jealousy they sold him into slavery to Egypt.

He became a slave in Potiphar’s house. Potiphar was in charge of Pharaoh’s security and was responsible for the prison. Over time Joseph’s character traits of integrity, trustworthiness and administrative skills became obvious. Potiphar gave him the position of Manager over the household, fields and other slaves. Potiphar’s wife was very interested in the handsome young man. She pestered him. She begged him to come to her bed. Joseph remained faithful to his master and refused her advances.

Eventually she lied. And Potiphar had Joseph thrown into prison. I’m not sure Potiphar believed his wife but it didn’t matter. Joseph, a good man, a faithful employee found himself in prison. Because Potiphar knew Joseph’s skills, he put Joseph in charge of the prison. God knew the future… Joseph did not but his faith in God never wavered.

While managing the prison, two of Pharaoh’s attendants, the Baker and the Cupbearer were placed in prison. They both dreams… which Joseph interpreted. The dreams were fulfilled. But the cupbearer forgot his promise to Joseph, who languished in prison for another two years.

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