
Summary: This message strongly emphasizes how the enemy often uses fear and division to deceive and discourage the body of Christ. When we confidently embrace our challenges by overcoming fear with faith, we move forward with courage, trusting in God's unwavering strength and his everlasting word.


(I Peter 5:8) “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”

(James 4:7) “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

(Job 1:7) “And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.”

(1 Corinthians 15:55-56) [55] “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” [56] “The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.”

(Hebrews 2:14) “ Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.”


Saints, in today's society, there is a relentless effort to eliminate God from everything that was once cherished. This message highlights the critical importance of acknowledging the immense power and authority we possess through the blood of Jesus. It boldly challenges us to confront the devil's adversities and urges us to face our doubts and fears fearlessly. By doing so, we can effectively tackle the sources of fear, doubt, and intimidation that the enemy may use to hinder our spiritual and personal development.

The message explicitly conveys the strategies of an adversary determined to bring about our destruction. One who manipulates fear to deceive and intimidate, aiming to cripple our faith and hinder us from realizing our full potential and fulfilling God's purpose in our lives. When we confront this challenge head-on, we understand that the enemy is constrained in his power over a Christian who comprehends how to walk in and assert the authority delegated to us as the body of Christ on earth. When we grasp that we are more than conquerors through Christ, we can boldly confront our vulnerabilities and emerge strengthened on the other side of the trial.


The lion, a powerful and regal creature, is renowned for its striking appearance and authoritative demeanor, earning it the title of "king of the jungle." With its thunderous roar and magnificent mane, the lion embodies strength, bravery, and dominance within the animal realm.

Lions exhibit remarkable patience and stealth while stalking a herd of game. They can spend days observing the herd's movements, carefully looking for any signs of weakness among its members. This includes targeting stragglers or those who are physically impaired, such as those with a limp. It's a testament to the lion's strategic approach to selecting the most vulnerable prey for a successful hunt.

When the lions decide to charge at the herd, they do so with great speed, targeting the strong individuals. As they stampede the herd and go after the strong, they are careful to keep their eyes on the ones they have already identified as the weak members of the herd. After causing chaos among the herd, the lions circle back to claim their prize from the vulnerable targets they had previously spotted.

As lions mature and age, they may experience a decline in physical strength and agility, which can hinder their ability to lead the pride during hunting expeditions. Despite this, older lions still contribute to the pride by providing guidance and wisdom based on their extensive experience.

The older lions maintain their mighty roar, which commands attention throughout the jungle, ensuring they remain valuable to the survival of their pride. As lions age, their physical condition deteriorates, and one noticeable sign of this decline is the decay that sets in their teeth.

The younger lions strategically utilize the intimidating presence of the older lions to instill fear in the prey through their mighty and thunderous roars. This calculated tactic causes the prey to become panicked and disoriented, leading them to unwittingly fall into the ambush of the physically superior younger lions lying in wait.

Beloved, how often have we attempted to evade trouble, only to realize that our efforts to elude it have inadvertently steered us into even more formidable circumstances? If the potential prey had chosen to flee towards the old lion instead of the younger ones, the old lion, although possessing a mighty roar, would have been unable to inflict harm due to his weakened teeth and diminished strength compared to his younger counterparts.

As stated in 1 Peter 5:8, the Apostle Peter warns us about the devil, describing him as a roaring lion, seeking those he may devour. But let us not forget Peter emphasizes that the devil is portrayed as a roaring lion, not a strong one, but as an older lion who lacks the strength of younger lions.

The devil's power is not as intimidating as it may seem. After his defeat at Calvary, the devil's power lies only in his roar. If we boldly face the devil, claiming the victory of the cross and refusing to be intimidated by his roar, we can be assured victory over him. His power is limited, and our faith in God's victory is our shield.

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