
Summary: God makes promises and keeps all his promises. We patiently endure learning how all things work together for our good. All things reveal to us that we are freely justified.


January 22, 2023 – Epiphany 3 – ROMANS 8:24-30

INTRO: What a blessing to know when our loving, heavenly Father makes promises the Lord God always keeps his promises. This is the powerful truth in our sermon text. “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he changes his mind. Does he say something, and then not carry it out? Does he speak, and then not bring it about?” (NUMBERS 23:19). “ALLTHINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD...” = God’s promise that he fulfills. I. We patiently endure. II. We are freely justified.


A. Verse 24. The faith of those who follow Christ is one of hope. Much more than an earthly hope.

1. This verse speaks of an eternal hope. Divine certainty. It is unseen. But it is real. Faith.

2. Believers in Rome would soon face persecution. All earthly hopes would be dashed.

B. Verse 25. The Lord wanted these believers to focus attention in the hope that came by faith.

1. God provided hope for them in the present. Faith eagerly looked to God’s future hope.

2. These believers would learn patient endurance in their persecutions. God’s gifts by faith.

C. Verse 26. “…the Spirit helps in our weakness.” Lord did not abandon these early Christians.

1. Verse 27. Spirit would intercede for the believers. Plead their case before God’s throne.

2. Roman government rejected Christians. God did not. Faith to believe. Pray. Endure.

D. The Lord uses the example of contrasts to help us understand his truth. Those things we see are not eternal. They do not last. All too often we put our hope in the things of this world. We spend our lives trying to make our lives secure with the worldly. Money. Success. Glory. They do not satisfy our dreams. Expectations. Hopes. Only the Lord God of Armies is able to fulfill our souls’ innermost needs. We can be and are sure that what the Lord promises he makes happen. How do we know this? “Faith is being sure about what we hope for, being convinced about things we do not see…By faith we know that the universe was created by God’s word, so that what is seen did not come from visible things” (HEBREWS 11:1, 3). The Lord created everything by his word. His word is our sure hope that strengthens us.

E. We do face difficulties in our lives. Challenges arise. Problems present themselves. There may be times in our lives when we question the Lord. His wisdom for us. His love for us. It is a question we hear, “How can a loving God…?” People wonder what is happening when things do not go their way. “ALL things work together…” Struggles come and go. We know the Lord delivers us. Time and again. Our faith grows. “…you know that the testing of your faith produces patient endurance. And let patient endurance finish its work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (JAMES 1:3, 4).

F. The Lord does not abandon us. Our loving, heavenly Father is always with us. Helps us. Strengthens us. Day after day. Decade after decade. Right into eternity. We can reach out to the Lord anytime. Anywhere. With everything and anything. This is what the Creator of the heavens and earth wants us to do. “At every opportunity, pray in the Spirit with every kind of prayer and petition. Stay alert for the same reason, always persevering in your intercession for all the saints” (EPHESIANS 6:18). Prayer is our direct access with God. Whenever we may be at a loss for words, the Holy Spirit presents our requests to God. The Lord knows and hears our prayers even before we speak the words. We pray in the Spirit, by faith, for all believers. We want to keep on praying for others. Many in this world are being persecuted. Suffering. Pray for them. Pray some more. Others will be praying for you.

“ALL THINGS WORK FOR THE GOOD…” By faith we can, do, and will patiently endure.


A. Verse 28. Remember these believers in Rome would soon face terrible persecution.

1. “We know…” More than think. Or guess. Or suppose. KNOW!

2. “…all things work for the good...” Not a few things. Or some. Or many. ALL THINGS!

3. All things would work for the good for those who love God. God’s blessings for believers.

B. Verse 29. The Lord God knew these believers even before creation. Chose them as his very own.

1. God’s choice was for these believers to be his people. Be shown mercy.

2. God’s choice also made them members of his family: “…conformed to the image of his Son…”

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