
Summary: The Bible tells of many dynamic or influential men throughout the Old and New Testaments. Most, but not all of their contributions or royal misdeeds are remembered today. Some were saintly and others villainous.

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Quiz on 40 Biblical Men

See how well you can link the descriptive paragraph below to the correct name(s) found in the 'Answer Choices' listed at the end of this quiz.

The Bible tells of many dynamic, influential men whose stories are found throughout the Old and New Testaments. Their influence impacted the nation of Israel and the surrounding areas. Their uncommon contributions or royal misdeeds are remembered today, even though some were old, and some were young. No doubt a few were saintly and others villainous. Each carried out a significant role in the spectacular stories found within the Bible. Centuries later, in this following quiz, we will see if each man's unique character traits or actions cause you to remember them. See how well you can link the descriptive paragraph below to the correct name(s) found in the 'Answer Choices' listed at the end of this quiz.

Quiz on 40 Biblical Men

1. _____________He may have been an unlikely leader. Quite possibly, he had a speech impediment and a very brief bout of leprosy. Abandoned as a child, he grew up and committed murder. As punishment by God, he was told, “Now put your hand in your bosom.” And he put his hand in his bosom, and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous, like snow. The tomb of this important man is unknown. (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and many, many more)

2. _____________He never met Jesus during his brief years of ministry nor was he one of the twelve apostles. However, according to the New Testament, he interacted with many of the original disciples. He is credited to have penned thirteen of the twenty-seven New Testament books. Taking advantage of his statue as both a Jew and a Roman citizen he took the story of Jesus to Jewish and Roman gatherings. Prior to his conversion, this man persecuted the disciples of Jesus in the area of Jerusalem. Augustine of Hippo developed this man's idea that salvation is founded on faith and not “works of the law.” (Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, and many more)

3. _____________He was born a slave in Egypt but became a conqueror in Canaan. At the age of fifty, he was dispatched as one of twelve spies to go into a foreign land. Duties which he executed with faithfulness and obedience. Upon his return, Moses said, “Choose us some men and go out, fight with Amalek. His warfare technique was “Divide and Conquer.” He led the Israelites into the Promised Land. The Bible describes him as a saintly man, a brilliant military commander. Becoming a leader at the age of eight-five, he led Israel for twenty-five years. (Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, and many more)

4. _____________In his era, it was not uncommon for people to be known by two names. According to First-century tradition, the man to be identified here, has the same name as the other name Thaddeus had. James was either his brother or father. I would have to say, as far as names for the original Twelve go, his identification may be the most confusing. Other traditions claim he preached throughout Judea, Samara, Idumaea, Syria, and Libya. Due to confusion surrounding his biblical name(s), it’s hard to say which journeys he accomplished. Regardless, as an apostle, he surely preached the gospel everywhere he could. (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and more)

5. _____________A Levite descendant from Kohath, he was beckoned by God three times during one night. As an adult, he served as a judge of the people. He grew up serving the Lord in the Shiloh Tabernacle. From a very young age, he was dedicated to the Lord. Eli watched over him and certainly taught him the ways of the Lord. While serving God in his own life, his sons Joel and Abijah were not raised to follow his example. They took bribes and were dishonest rulers. (1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, and more)

6. _____________He did not consider himself wise. Weary and worn, his utterance was-—This man declared to Ithiel and Ucal. “Surely I am more stupid than any man and do not have the understanding of a man. I neither learned wisdom nor have knowledge of the Holy One. Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son’s name, if you know? Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.” (Proverbs)

7. _____________Two people bear the name we are looking for here. The one we don't want was a prophet in the time of King David. Nor are we looking for the five different “Johns” or the four different “James.” Jacob praised this man and predicted his tribe would contain brave troops that would drive off raiders and victoriously pursue Israel’s enemies: At the end of Israel’s 40-year wilderness wandering his tribe prepared for the Promised Land. It was particularly important for this leader to fulfill Jacob’s prophecy by being brave and strong. Moses compared him to a lion. “Blessed is he who enlarges (his) domain! He lives there like a lion, tearing at arms or head.” (Genesis, Numbers, Joshua, and more)

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