
Summary: To stand in the gap as an intercessor is to be equipped with qualities that reflect the heart of God. Compassion, holiness, persistence, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and a heart for the lost and nations are essential in the life of an intercessor.


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: James 5:16

"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."

Supporting Texts: Ezekiel 22:30, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, Romans 8:26-27, Luke 18:1-8


Intercessors play a vital role in God’s Kingdom, as they stand in the gap between God and humanity, interceding for the lost, the broken, and the hurting. The Bible calls for individuals to rise in the place of prayer, seeking God’s mercy, grace, and intervention on behalf of others. For effective intercession, certain qualities are required. These qualities align with the nature of Christ and enable an intercessor to stand firm in faith and make powerful petitions before God.


An intercessor must have a compassionate heart for the needs of others.

a) Genuine concern for others (Matthew 9:36)

An intercessor must be moved by the needs, struggles, and pain of others, desiring to see them restored and healed.

b) Identifying with the burdens of others (Galatians 6:2)

Intercessors carry the burdens of others in prayer, seeking God’s intervention on their behalf.

c) Empathy and love (Romans 12:15)

True intercession flows out of empathy—a deep sense of compassion and love for those in need.

d) A selfless heart (Philippians 2:3-4)

Intercessors are willing to put aside their own needs to lift others up before God.

e) Biblical Example: Jesus’ Compassion for the Multitudes (Matthew 14:14)

When Jesus saw the crowds, He was moved with compassion, which led Him to heal and minister to them.


An effective intercessor must live a life that is pleasing to God, full of integrity and moral purity.

a) A life set apart for God (1 Peter 1:16)

Intercessors are called to be holy as God is holy, living lives that reflect His purity and righteousness.

b) A heart cleansed from sin (Psalm 66:18)

Sin hinders prayers, so an intercessor must ensure that they live in repentance, keeping their heart pure.

c) Confession of sins (1 John 1:9)

An intercessor must be quick to confess sin and seek forgiveness so that their prayers may be effective.

d) Righteousness as a foundation of intercession (Proverbs 15:29)

The Lord hears the prayers of the righteous, and their prayers have power and influence.

e) Biblical Example: Daniel’s Purity and Prayer (Daniel 9:3-19)

Daniel was known for his holiness and unwavering commitment to prayer, even when interceding for the sins of his nation.


An intercessor must be steadfast, never giving up, no matter how long the answer takes to manifest.

a) Perseverance in prayer (Luke 18:1-8)

Jesus taught about the necessity of persistent prayer, encouraging intercessors to never lose heart.

b) A long-term commitment (Romans 12:12)

Intercessors remain committed to prayer, not giving up even in the face of discouragement or delay.

c) Prayer with endurance (Hebrews 12:1)

Intercessors run the race of prayer with patience, knowing that God will answer in His perfect time.

d) Faith in the power of prayer (Mark 11:24)

An intercessor must believe that God hears and answers prayers, and they must pray with expectation.

e) Biblical Example: The Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8)

Jesus used the example of a widow who repeatedly asked a judge for justice, showing that persistence in prayer leads to breakthrough.


Effective intercession involves being attuned to the voice of the Holy Spirit and praying according to God’s will.

a) Guidance through the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26-27)

The Holy Spirit helps intercessors by guiding their prayers and helping them pray when they don’t know how.

b) Praying according to God’s will (1 John 5:14)

Intercessors must pray in alignment with God’s will, trusting that His plans are perfect.

c) Listening for God’s direction (John 10:27)

Intercessors must spend time in God’s presence, listening for His voice to know how to pray effectively.

d) Yielding to the Holy Spirit’s promptings (Acts 16:6-7)

An intercessor must be responsive to the Holy Spirit, yielding to His guidance even when it leads in unexpected directions.

e) Biblical Example: Paul’s Obedience to the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:6-10)

Paul was guided by the Holy Spirit in his missionary journeys, and through intercession, he was led to preach the gospel in Macedonia.


An intercessor’s heart must extend beyond personal needs, focusing on the welfare of others, including their nation and the unsaved.

a) Interceding for the lost (Romans 10:1)

Intercessors have a heart for the salvation of the unsaved, praying that they come to the knowledge of Christ.

b) Praying for the nation (Jeremiah 29:7)

An intercessor’s prayer life should encompass the wellbeing of the nation, seeking God’s peace, prosperity, and justice.

c) Praying for the church (Ephesians 6:18)

An intercessor prays for the church’s growth, purity, and strength in fulfilling its mission.

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