
Summary: This Father’s Day message will affirm and encourage fathers in your congregation while giving them biblical direction in their parenting skills.

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Kenton Beshore is Executive Producer of the small group curriculum Liquid, a new revolutionary video-based resource for small groups and church-wide campaigns. Visit to learn more.



1 Timothy 4:1-10

Points of Interest and Humor-

Mother’s Day is the number one day of the Year for flowers, more than valentine’s day or any other You know what Father’s day is number one for? Collect Phone Calls.

As I became a dad there were a number of things that I was completely confused about...

I have learned a lot being a dad; I am a father of four

• I thought it would be easy – don’t know where I got that thought, but what a loon

• I thought it would not impact my marriage

• I thought I would be appreciated

Here is my Father’s day card from my wife…

“Honey, the kids have learned so much from you…But its ok they’ve been punished. Happy Father’s Day."

• I thought that having kids was an eighteen year commitment … But it’s forever isn’t it?

But the most interesting thing I have learned about being a father is it is where I learned what it meant to be a man.

Paul provides in 1 Corinthians 13:11 the most profound definition of what it means to be a man.

He says “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child and I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me” NIV

And that’s really what it means to be a man: to deal with the issues of childhood, to face them and to let go of the selfishness and self- centeredness and have learned to step up and to serve.


• Resist the truth

Paul writes to Timothy to encourage him in Ephesus and describes what it means to be a Spiritual Leader and we are applying the same principals to what it means to be a Spiritual Father.

A spiritual leader is someone whose life is marked by two qualities:

1. Gratitude 2. Godliness

Not all things Spiritual are from God – The Bible teaches that the two sources for Spiritual Truth – Satan and the Holy Spirit

Sources of Spiritual things inspired be Satan are:

o The belief that drugs are ok, just a little recreational fun

o Humanism

o Materialism

o Pluralism

• Burn their Conscience

• Deceived and Confused

• Influenced by demon inspired doctrines taught be hypocrites and liars

• Abandon the truth

But how will we know genuine Spiritual Leaders? They all speak of Spiritual things. We will know because they life styles will be defined by an attitude of gratitude and Godliness.


• Listen and follow God’s Word

• Good Conscience

• Open and Honest

• Hears God’s voice and follows

• Lifestyle of faith


The spiritual leaders of Ephesus tried to enforce a belief that in order to obtain greater spirituality and be Godly people you should renounce marriage as marriage stems from sensuality is really bad because sensuality leads back to sex. In Ephesus, they had the temple of Diana and so they believed that godly people should renounce marriage because sex stems from sensuality. So you stay single and away from sexual things and you will lead a more spiritual life.

The second thing they taught was that if you wanted to be spiritual then you needed to stay away from greed. Greed creates a hunger in the heart, it is filled by food and greed is expressed in food. Therefore, they believed that you should renounce certain foods. Because if you go on a diet then you will go to a higher plane and you will have a closer connection with God.

Here is how Paul teaches Timothy to address these false teachings.

His teaching and lifestyle honors God as creator vv. 3-5

• Celebrate and Enjoying

• Thankful

• Honoring the Giver of the gifts

His teaching and lifestyle promote godliness vv.6-10

• Heart of a servant v. 6

• Student of Scripture vv.6-7

• Disciplines himself physically and spiritually vv 8-10

The most powerful thing a father can say is “Thank you” it is an expression gratitude to the creator and in doing so you are blessed

There are three qualities of Godliness

1. Life of a Servant – God was humble and

2. Fed by God’s Word – It sustains us, Spiritual substance

3. Disciplines himself for Godliness - both physically and spiritually

Read God’s Word constantly

Communicate with God through Prayer

Worship God in all things

Psalms 131 - David says – My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.

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